
### 营养成分解析

1. **维生素C**:柚子中含有大量的维生素C,每100克柚子中可含有约70-80毫克的维生素C,这是人体每日所需维生素C量(75-90毫克)的大约一倍。维生素C是增强免疫力的关键,有助于抵抗感冒和其他疾病。

2. **维生素B类**:柚子还含有多种维生素B,包括B1、B2、B3、B5、B6和叶酸。这些B类维生素对于新陈代谢、红细胞的生成和能量的获取至关重要。


3. **钾**:一个中等大小的柚子含有约500毫克的钾,这大约占成人每日所需钾量的10%。钾对于维持水平衡、心脏健康和血压控制都非常重要。

4. **矿物质**:柚子还含有钙、镁、铁等矿物质,这些矿物质对于骨骼健康、肌肉功能和神经传导都很重要。

5. **植物化合物**:柚子中含有的果胶和橙皮苷等植物化合物有助于降低胆固醇,增强心血管健康。

6. **类胡萝卜素和维生素A**:柚子的金黄色外皮含有胡萝卜素,是维生素A的重要来源,有助于维持视力、皮肤和黏膜的健康。

### 健康益处

1. **增强免疫力**:丰富的维生素C有助于增强免疫系统,抵抗疾病。

2. **心血管健康**:柚子中的钾和植物化合物有助于降低血压和胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。

3. **改善消化**:柚子中的膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,有助于改善便秘。

4. **保护视力**:维生素A和类胡萝卜素有助于维持视力健康。

5. **缓解压力**:柚子中的维生素C有助于缓解压力,改善心情。


6. **促进新陈代谢**:维生素B类维生素有助于身体的新陈代谢。

7. **有益于糖尿病患者**:柚子属于低血糖生成指数和低血糖负荷的水果,适合糖尿病患者食用。




1. **祛风胜湿**:拐枣酒具有祛风胜湿的功效,适合风湿性关节炎患者饮用,有助于缓解关节疼痛和肿胀。

2. **醒酒安神**:拐枣中含有大量的有机酸和葡萄糖,这两种物质进入人体后可以扩充血容量,帮助解酒毒,起到醒酒安神的作用。适量饮用拐枣酒对于酒量较小的人群尤为适宜。

3. **通便**:拐枣酒中含有丰富的脂类物质、葡萄糖、有机盐和水分,有助于促进尿液和粪便的排出,加快肠道蠕动,对于改善便秘有积极作用。

4. **减肥**:拐枣酒能分解过剩的营养素,帮助消化人体过多的脂肪,对于减肥和控制体重有一定帮助。

5. **净化血液**:拐枣酒中含有麦草碱和维生素C等营养成分,可以加速体内过氧化脂质的代谢,净化血液,促进血液循环,防止血压升高。

6. **促进消化**:拐枣酒含有葡萄糖、有机盐和天然脂类成分,有助于促进肠胃蠕动,加速消化液分泌,清肠排毒,润肠通便。

7. **消肿止痛**:拐枣酒可以消肿止痛,活血散瘀,适用于跌打损伤引起的瘀血肿痛。

8. **通络止痉**:拐枣酒中含有钙元素和枳椇子皂苷等成分,对中枢神经系统有抑制作用,对惊厥有一定抵抗效果,有助于减轻关节疼痛、肢体麻木等症状。


9. **营养价值**:拐枣酒中含有丰富的蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、纤维素、微量元素等营养物质,以及苹果酸、草酸等,能够补充营养,增强机体的抗病能力。


– 适量饮用,过量饮酒可能对身体造成伤害。
– 对酒精过敏或患有某些疾病的人应避免饮用。
– 孕妇、哺乳期妇女和儿童应谨慎饮用。




1. **补肾益精**:枸杞子被认为能够补肾益精,对肾虚腰痛、遗精滑泄等症状有显著疗效。中医常将枸杞子用于治疗肾阳不足,如《神农本草经》中就有“久服轻身不老”的记载。

2. **养肝明目**:枸杞子含有丰富的营养成分,如枸杞多糖、维生素E等,能够保护肝脏,促进肝损伤的修复,并具有明目的作用,对夜盲、视力衰退等症有改善作用。

3. **抗衰老**:枸杞子富含抗氧化物质,如枸杞多糖、β-胡萝卜素、维生素E、硒及黄酮类等,能够对抗自由基,减轻自由基过氧化损伤,有助于延缓衰老。

4. **美容肌肤**:枸杞子可以提高皮肤吸收养分的能力,同时具有美白作用,对银屑病和其他皮肤病也有一定疗效。

5. **降血脂血压**:枸杞子能够降低血脂和血压,是冠心病患者的良好保健品。

6. **抗疲劳**:枸杞子能显著增加肌糖原、肝糖原的贮备量,提高人体活力,具有抗疲劳作用。

7. **减肥**:枸杞子含有丰富的核黄素、甜菜碱与抗坏血酸,能抑制脂肪在肝细胞内的沉淀,有助于控制体重。

8. **降血糖**:枸杞子含有能够降低血糖的成分,可以作为糖尿病患者的保健品。


9. **提高免疫力**:枸杞子能够增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

10. **治疗消渴病**:枸杞子能辅助治疗消渴病(即糖尿病),长期服用有降低血糖和止渴的作用。



1. **抗氧化作用**:原花青素被认为是自然界中清除自由基最有效的物质之一。它能够中和自由基,从而保护细胞免受氧化损伤,延缓衰老过程。


2. **改善血液循环**:
– **增强血管壁**:原花青素可以增强毛细血管、动脉和静脉血管的强度,减少血管壁的脆性和渗透性,有助于维持血管健康。
– **改善微循环**:它还能改善眼底视网膜毛细血管和四肢末梢毛细血管的微循环,促进血液循环,有助于预防和改善静脉曲张、水肿等问题。

3. **保护视力**:原花青素有助于预防和治疗糖尿病性视网膜病,改善视力。它还能减少白内障手术后的并发症。


4. **抗皮肤衰老**:原花青素能够抑制胶原酶和弹性蛋白酶对结缔组织的降解作用,保持皮肤弹性,发挥抗衰老的功效。


5. **增强免疫功能**:原花青素可以提高细胞介素2的免疫应答能力,增强免疫功能。

6. **增强维生素C的功效**:原花青素可以延长维生素C在人体内的功效时间。

7. **安全性**:原花青素被认为是安全的,多种动物实验和实验系统研究的结果证明,它无毒、无致突变性、无致癌性、无致畸胎性、无致敏性。

8. **快速吸收与长效作用**:原花青素在水中的溶解性非常好,口服后吸收好,进入人体内起效快,且作用时间持久。



1. **高纤维含量**:紫薯含有大量的膳食纤维,有助于促进消化系统的健康,增加饱腹感,对减肥和控制体重有益。



2. **丰富的维生素和矿物质**:紫薯中含有丰富的维生素A、C、E和多种矿物质,如钾、铁、镁等,这些都是维持身体正常功能所必需的。

3. **花青素和抗氧化物质**:紫薯中的花青素是一种强大的抗氧化剂,有助于清除体内的自由基,减缓衰老过程,并可能降低某些疾病的风险。

4. **低热量**:相较于大米,紫薯的热量较低。100克紫薯的热量大约是70大卡,而100克大米的热量大约是116大卡。因此,紫薯米饭是一种适合减肥期间食用的健康主食。

5. **改善心血管健康**:紫薯中的钾有助于维持正常的心脏节律和血压,同时,其富含的抗氧化物质有助于保护心血管系统。

6. **提高免疫力**:紫薯中的维生素C和维生素E都是免疫系统的天然增强剂,有助于提高身体抵抗力。

7. **促进皮肤健康**:紫薯中的维生素A和维生素C有助于改善皮肤状况,促进皮肤健康和修复。

8. **增加饱腹感**:紫薯米饭的纤维和水分含量高,有助于延长饱腹感,减少食物的总摄入量。



1. **益肾固精**:覆盆子性味甘、酸、微温,归肝肾经,具有补益肝肾、固精缩尿的作用。对于肾虚不固、遗精、滑精、遗尿、尿频等症状有很好的调理效果。


2. **明目助阳**:覆盆子茶能助阳明目,对于肝肾不足导致的视物不清、肾虚阳痿等症状有改善作用。

3. **健脑益智**:覆盆子茶中的抗氧化剂能防止自由基对大脑的损伤,改善大脑的血液和氧气供应,有助于提高思维活跃度和记忆力。

4. **减肥瘦身**:覆盆子中富含的烯酮素能提高脂肪代谢和燃烧,有助于减肥瘦身。


5. **美容养颜**:覆盆子茶中的黄酮类物质具有抗菌消炎、降低血压及抗过敏等作用,同时能改善皮肤血液循环,增强皮肤毛细血管弹性,促进皮肤细胞再生,从而起到美容养颜的作用。

6. **抗衰老**:覆盆子能明显缩短衰老型小鼠的游泳潜伏期,降低MAO-B活性,具有改善学习能力、延缓衰老的作用。

7. **消炎杀菌**:覆盆子茶含有丰富的黄酮类化合物和某些分类化合物,具有超强的抗炎抗病毒能力,对咽喉炎、气管炎、口腔炎症等有预防和缓解作用。

8. **预防癌症**:覆盆子茶能促进人体内抗体产生,清理人体内的自由基,防止人体细胞基因突变,从而预防癌症。

9. **提高免疫力**:覆盆子茶能补益气血,提高身体免疫力,对于免疫力低下的人群有很好的保健作用。


Chapter 51 Deep House Courtyard

The old Ganba man was slightly surprised by a word from Shang Caixia, and then her heart stopped. She turned to glance at Qi Yufeng and couldn’t help laughing. "Have you seen that Qi Yufeng?" She bit the word "Qi Yufeng" very hard in her tone.
The old man Ganba didn’t recognize the overtone of her words and shook his head with his head down. "I haven’t seen it before, but an apprentice named Qiao Pingyao of Lao Jia’s head has been practicing Xingyiquan for nearly 20 years. His nickname is Little Guo Yunshen. Last autumn, when he went to the Northeast for fun, he was slapped around the sky by that little guy. Do you think it’s bad?"
"I just saw his hand and thought of that guy."
"Huh?" At Qi Yufeng, Shang Caixia said quietly, "Master Jia Duobao’s kiss’ half-step boxing’ can also be broken? That’s great kung fu. It must be nearly 30 boys, right? "
"No!" The old sod man said with a flailing slap, "Qiao Pingyao is thirty years old, and the Xiaowei in the Northeast Military Region said that the little one is almost like him, that is, a lad." He reached a finger and Qi Yufeng continued.
"The old Jia Qiao Xiao came back and listened to his description and pondered for several days. He said with emotion,’ People make great talents’. This skill’ chaotic ring tactic’ has been practiced to this point. Now the living Tai Chi master has a calculation, and this ability has reached the age without this vigor; And no one has the strength to do so. "
Qi Yufeng also heard that this Jia Duobao is the oldest martial arts nine-segment in the country. Wang Luoji is just as famous as Wang Luoji, but he is a great master of martial arts. But he never thought that the coal boss he met without leaving his name was Jia Duobao’s apprentice.
And this Jia Duobao’s evaluation of himself is so high. Is it true that he is a natural enemy?
The old man named Jose laughed. "Then how do you conclude that this child is worse than that Qi Yufeng? I think this kid is quite good. Guess none of us can beat him. "
The old man looked up and said contemptuously, "Qiao Pingyao’s young Xingyiquan has already had Master Jia’s seven points. How strong can you be with a fist buried in the loess?" Besides, that Qi Yufeng also has a set of’ rushing east’ boxing, which is a hard bridge and a hard road. Have you ever seen the younger generation practice so well in other families? "
Jose Mourinho glanced at Qi Yufeng with a slight palpitation and shook his head. "I don’t think I can get in and out of this punch just now like hitting cotton. I haven’t seen anyone who can seal my fist so tightly."
The two men argued and immediately blew their heads off.
Shang Caixia took Qi Yufeng’s hand with a smile and asked, "Come and tell Aunt how you broke Master Jia’s fist?"
The crowd couldn’t help but be frightened by the old man surnamed Mu, who hesitated and shouted, "Just him … Is he Qi Yufeng?"
Shang Caixia said, "What’s the fake? You don’t have to inquire about Richie’s study in Northeast China but his home is in the city."
The old man of the dry bar immediately came to the spirit and opened his mouth. "Oh, you are here to tell me about your’ rushing to the east’."
He pulled up Qi Yufeng hand looked "when I followed * *, shaw general team has also been to the northeast people’s favorite this boxing practice for three months, how do you feel tired? You see this’ winds will’ … "
As he spoke, he gesticulated at random, without treating this great-grandson as a child.
While Shang Caixia was unhappy, she immediately said, "Brother Li came to teach me duck boxing. How can you rob people?"
Lao Li glanced at Shang Caixia for the first time and then turned to say, "Let me get this straight …"
Shang Caixia doesn’t care about this man who is twenty years older than her. He coaxed, "Go to the wind. You just came out of the police station in a bad mood. Take a shower and change clothes. Zheng, you go and arrange one for him."
The more Lao Li listened, the more strange he became. "Can the little policeman still catch you?"
Qi Yufeng was embarrassed when he heard this. "I just went in and made a record, and then there was a misunderstanding."
Shang Caixia also cleared the way, "Now these policemen are really getting more and more outrageous. Richie is courageous. They can’t solve the case but drag the charges to Richie."
Next to Mu Laotou, he also snorted, "It’s more and more like the Kuomintang in those days!"
"Come on, the Kuomintang has also played the Japanese ghost. Now the police in China have lost something, and no one cares that the Japanese have lost a bicycle and sent it to the city!"
Qi Yufeng took a bath in a room in the gymnasium arranged by the young man named Xiao Zheng, and then Xiao Zheng handed him a suit and wore the same sportswear as him. He thanked him and walked out together.
When I went out, I saw a few old men and women sitting together and holding their own words. The old man named Li Lao walked around with his fist in the presence, like Youlong flipping like an eagle, constantly gesticulating with moves, but he also stopped to say two words from time to time.
Qi Yufeng can’t help but sigh. It seems that these old people are really good at sending away the environmental facilities of this gymnasium, but people are so enthusiastic that they just sit on the spot regardless as if they were at home.
However, it is possible that only this older generation of revolutionaries can keep the system in practice regardless of the respect of old friends.
Li Laotou, wearing a red vest, turned right and saw Qi Yufeng coming. "Come and judge whether this palm can be stiff from hip to waist and arm?"
As he spoke, he demonstrated it.
Qi Yufeng was stunned. "What kind of punch is this?"
Li Laotou a glaring thick way "you little not installed? You don’t even know the palm of your hand? "
Qi Yufeng nodded sincerely. "I really haven’t practiced."
"No matter if you haven’t practiced Tianquan, you can seal my boxing path, which proves that your accomplishments are higher than mine. Are you wrong in saying that Yin and Yang’s hands turn over, shoulders sink and elbows fall to Dan?" While Mussina thick asked.
Lao Li’s head suddenly turned and flew into a rage. "To discuss a problem is to discuss a problem. Who can prove it wrong if you speak out the songs of your ancestors?" Cap is not this method. "
Mussina’s head was uncompromising, but he straightened his chest and said, "Bend your legs, wade through the mud, twist and drill the palm of the hexagram, and avoid being right, and then you will be inclined to take advantage of the situation. You have released all your strength, and your feet are strong but there is no center of gravity. What is the palm of the hexagram?"
The two men immediately argued again while Shang Caixia said, "Okay, okay, let’s listen to Xiaofeng?"
The two men immediately turned to look at Qi Yufeng.
Qi Yufeng smiled slightly. "The two old people said that it is reasonable. There is a saying in the boxing classics that the bones and muscles should be loose and the fur should be attacked."
As he spoke, he waved his arm to demonstrate that "the yin and yang movements complement each other in boxing, and without them, you can’t say that you are at home."
Then he stepped on one leg and chopped out a punch. This punch advanced and retreated directly. It was really as quiet as Mount Tai and as moving as a bird. When he heard it, he pulled a foot and the carpet immediately tore a big mouth
All ears keen to listen to this boxing out suddenly "dong" a rumbling sound echoed in the gym, but it was Qi Yufeng who broke the air with one punch and made a dull sound, and immediately he couldn’t help but be startled.
"This is split boxing in Xingyi Boxing. Where did you learn it?" An old man’s hair was gray and his face was wrinkled, but his face was serene and alert. He had never said a word before, but he couldn’t help but face a quiver and asked.
Qi Yufeng turned his head and smiled, but he still kept his fist posture. "I’ve seen Brother Qiao make this fist, so I remember if it’s wrong?"
The old man sighed and shook his head slightly. "If you don’t make it right, then we are not practicing for the wrong generation."
Qi Yufeng nodded and continued, "This punch is also offensive and defensive. If the opponent is close to the body, it will inevitably be collapsed or flashed. If he is collapsed and has the strength, then …"
He then raised his hand and grabbed it, and even took three steps, palm hair was like the wind, and three strokes in a chain changed, and the strong wind was surging, and the changes were really elusive.
"But if the opponent didn’t fly but escaped my blow, then …"
Qi Yufeng’s three steps out of the foot is more than ten feet away, but when he spoke, everyone felt that the figure flashed and saw that he had returned to his original position, and his hand was still splitting his fist to make the gesture.
"If he flashes on my left, I’ll kick first." Qi Yufeng dared not break the carpet again and immediately took a virtual step to signal to step on each other’s feet.
With the strength of the lower back spine, the wrist-buckled serial backhand seems dazzling, but it makes one move and one type clearly hit six or seven punches in succession.
These styles of hanging and fighting can lead people and make enemies at the same time. Although they are fantastic, they are very clever. Even if martial arts people can’t understand the essence, they can defeat the enemy.
For a while, all the old people saw such martial arts. Look at me. I’ll look at you. You can’t help wondering what this little move is. What’s the martial arts? What else can’t it be?
It took a long time for the peaceful old man to cry excitedly, "This is Xue Dian Xingyiquan!"
The subscription number of ps "Post-Martial Arts Era" has reached the lowest level in history. I really don’t know where it is wrong …
Is it really over?
Chapter 52 Longevity and longevity
As soon as the old man spoke, it was rosy clouds, but he didn’t like it again. "This is our duck boxing. Look at this …"
Next to the red-faced Jose old man laughed, "Duck boxing is also pictographic boxing, isn’t it? This push is like Tai Chi, a twist is like hexagrams, and a twist is like form and meaning. Did your duck fist overwhelm all three? "
Lao Li pointed straight at Qi Yufeng and said, "What’s your trick, Xiao?"
Qi Yufeng’s understanding of swordsmanship after practicing the Nine Swords of Dugu is not beneficial to boxing. What boxing do you know from these moves?

"Oh, can I help? There can be a big brother over there? "Sun Sheng kindly asked.

"We won’t be able to get up for a while. You go first." The beautiful girl’s words are still very lethal. Sun Sheng quickly ran to help after hearing this.
"I didn’t see that this guy is really a master!" The fallen swordsman said to several brothers in danger
"What master is only 17? This skill is a little abnormal. It can control the flame. If you face the person who mainly makes the flame kill the enemy, isn’t this guy taking advantage? It’s not only humane to treat the fire epidemic, but also to treat its person. It’s fucking unreasonable! " Handsome guy looks up to the sky and sighs that he is a guy who lives by fire. No, he has to add that he can also detect other people’s grades
"Don’t talk about this. Now think about how to move first!" That fat man is a real person.
"To find a way to? What do you think? If there is a way, will I still lie on the ground for so long? But now you’re lying on the ground with me. It’s really sharing weal and woe. When I get up, I’ll give everyone a hug. "It’s the short man who’s been lying on the ground. It turned out that he was ambushed by a dark cloud. He’s been lying on the ground and can’t move. Before he got up, he was blown by the black wind again. Hope is even more slim.
The sound of "who let you hug" is a beauty.
Not to mention that these men tried to find a way to talk while Sun Sheng came to the big fellow and the general to fight not far away with jet. At this time, the general’s body consumption and locusts had already disappeared
This big fellow is definitely brave enough. A huge mace collides with the general’s even bigger combat knives in the middle, and the sound is also deafening. Sun Sheng felt that the eardrum was hurt by the sound when he was ten meters away from the two of them.
These two people don’t know whether it’s appreciate each other or an idiot Sun Sheng. After watching it for a long time, I didn’t see that one of them made a skill in hard work. Sun Sheng was dumbfounded and didn’t know what to say about them.
What time is it to keep your strength? This is desperate, not martial arts! There’s another one who stabbed the general in the back in the distance. I can’t figure it out. Although I think so, Sun Sheng still didn’t say it. People can do whatever they like, and they are not familiar with their strategies and tactics. I’d better not bother myself.
At this time, the general’s action is not as rapid as it was just now. The client feels most clearly that he is still the general with insufficient stamina, but he can’t beat himself. It’s hard to be complacent in his heart. The mace in his hand is more powerful, but he doesn’t know that the general is actually influenced by the black cloud just now. The black cloud is not only effective for players, but also for creatures in a game. If you put a low-level monster here, maybe it will be blown to death by the black wind just now.
The general finally felt that his life was threatened. A general who had fought bravely in the battlefield had never met an opponent in his life, so he didn’t feel pressure even when he met this big fellow. The fighters were proud of hundreds of years of loneliness, which made him feel good about this equally brave big fellow and never made him think it was very despicable. The trick was to fight with the big fellow here, and he was not afraid of the guy who stabbed in the back in the distance. Those injuries were not a problem for himself with strong vitality.
But now it’s different. I’ve felt a little uncomfortable since the gust of wind blew just now. When I shook the big fellow opposite, I gradually felt a little overwhelmed, and the black wind blew in along the arrow wound, which made me feel even worse. I also felt the loss of vitality. Although it was not very serious, it would always be a disaster after a long time. Of course, it knew what the black wind meant. Although I had never been with that guy, I was playing with these guys. At home, we were enemies, but after all, we were colleagues and partners. Now it’s time for us to die. Although it’s not dangerous for a short time, it’s a long time. I’m afraid it’s time for us to be unlucky when those people recover. I know the power of the black wind best. Those players shouldn’t be trapped for long. Now this big fellow hasn’t defended himself. It’s time for us to take care of ourselves. I’m also forced to blame me for being sinister. I can’t stand you going any further.
Thinking of this, the general continued to wield the broadsword and shake the "little man" hard while exercising his arms and preparing to exert his unique skills! The general knows that if he uses this trick, even if he is opposite, I’m afraid he won’t be able to pick up this little guy … Help yourself! Its broadsword swung the "small" mace and then raised its huge blade and shouted "break!" Of course, in the ears of several players, this is just a howl
Sun Sheng watched the battle not far away and saw a big one and a bigger one there. It was a little hard to cut, but since the beauty asked herself to come over and help herself, she should behave well. It is impossible to be close. Then attack far away, or that sniper’s shot inspired Sun Sheng. Sun Sheng found a slingshot from the room and took out a stone to aim at the general. The general was so big that he was sideways. It was definitely a good target! So Sun Sheng was confident that he would loose his slingshot and fly quickly to the general.
The general’s body was slightly tilted when swinging the mace in the hand of the big fellow, but the stone didn’t hit the general’s rib. However, the general just turned around, and the general’s armor was really smooth. The stone hit the general’s body without stopping, but it bounced out along the armor direction. Unfortunately, the direction of the big fellow was that Sun Sheng didn’t hit this position very high, almost to the general’s chest position, but this position was the position of the big fellow’s head. Unfortunately, the stone just hit the milli guard. Han-eyed man’s defense ability is indeed very high, which is not much worse than Sun Sheng’s, but eyes are always the most vulnerable place in the human body, even in the game, which is an iron law. When he saw a UFO coming at his eyes, the man immediately closed his eyes. Although he was covered by eyelids, it didn’t seem to be much, but he let go of the big man’s pain, threw a mace, covered his eyes and fell to the ground.
The most powerful chopping is not horizontal chopping or vertical chopping, but oblique chopping. The general’s broadsword was cut diagonally from the general’s right side to the left side along a beautiful arc. The big fellow will still shake the mace as hard as before, but to the general’s surprise, the big fellow seemed to be ready to throw the mace over and lean back at the same time. The general was surprised, but the broadsword could not be collected.
"Bang!" The whole cave seemed to sway for three times. After the loud noise, a big ditch with a length of three meters and a finger and a depth of half a foot was formed in front of the general’s saber, and a thick mace was still in the middle part of his thigh and abdomen. The front end of the mace almost got stuck in the general’s body, and the general’s facial expression seemed to be extremely painful!
Sun Shenglai was stunned by the scene before him when he didn’t worry about it. First, he hit his own stone and hurt him badly. Then the general used this earth-shaking trick, but the big fellow was knocked down by his own stone, which was equivalent to saving the guy’s life. What about this? ? Sun Sheng’s head is full of question marks.
"Crazy! The world is crazy!" The guy who was waiting for an opportunity to stab in the back in the distance naturally saw all this. He couldn’t think of anything else to describe what he had seen.
Chapter 70 unstoppable
Fell to the ground, the big fellow felt a fierce shock around him. The shock woke him up from the pain, and he remembered that he still had to clean up the general. He cursed the unknown stone and hurt himself, but he didn’t care about the eye pain. After that, the sudden pain was almost the same. The big one first hid from the side to prevent the general from attacking, but it was obvious that he was too oversensitive. The big one didn’t move at all. Although suspicious, he quickly got up from the ground and took a closer look to know that the general was kneeling. It seems that his hands are still humming and squeaking, and his mace is on the general’s side, and there is some blood on the front spike. That’s because the general has been fighting with the general since then. They have always been fighting for weapons, and no one has ever been armed with the mace, and the general’s broadsword is big and can’t stop cheering up. This gully is caused by the general’s knife just now. Thank you for that lifesaver, otherwise. Now I’m afraid it’s broken into two pieces. Looking at the general, it’s unbearable. Suddenly, the general’s heart is silent and close to the general’s weapon. The general didn’t pay attention to this kung fu. He moved the big weapon. He was extremely nervous, but it was also very smooth. He took two weapon blades and hid them in the general’s hand a few meters away. Looking at this style in his hand, it’s not much shorter than his own broadsword. This should be a good thing. His mace has been hammered for so long, and it has been bumpy for a long time, but thisI thought I waved it for two times, and it felt quite comfortable. That’s it. My mace has long felt a little awkward, but I haven’t found a handy weapon. Now this knife is delivered to the door, general. Don’t blame me for being impolite.
The general didn’t know that his weapon had been stolen under his nose. That really hurt just now! He couldn’t figure out exactly where he let the "little guy" play along and didn’t hurt him. Instead, he was hit by the mace he threw out conveniently. Fortunately, his body was strong, or he could have killed himself with this pain just now, but that’s how he was left with half-life. After a little recovery, the general tried to take a knife when he touched it, but he didn’t catch anything at hand except some wet rocks and soil. He looked up and saw the big guy looking at his broadsword with joy. This general has been angry with himself for hundreds of years. I think it was he who accompanied him in the battlefield and killed several enemies. Later, he came here because of his duty and the dark cloud. For hundreds of years, except for the dark cloud, he was left with this companion, and he didn’t see eye to eye with the dark cloud. Therefore, whenever he had any thoughts, he would say it to the knife. That’s his only friend now. How can he not be angry with the general when his friend was shamefully stolen by the enemy?
The general roared, jumped from the ground, and screamed with his hands into the sky. This roar seemed to contain all the ferocity. See the general’s long hair, the wind, and the muscles of his body slowly burst up, almost tearing out. The arrows originally inserted in the general’s body were gradually squeezed out by the muscles in the general’s whistling, and the wound tinkled and fell to the ground. The skin was also healing rapidly, and it became a deep bronze color. When the general stopped screaming and bowed his head, his eyes had changed color from red in the original black to green in the face, and Sun Shengxin was not far away.
The big guy opposite the general quietly watched the general complete the transformation, and his face became more and more serious from joy just now. Obviously, for some reason, the general evolved or came to a skill that can temporarily strengthen his skills. Therefore, the big guy is very aware of the advantages and disadvantages of this skill. This skill is sometimes limited, so whoever will become relatively fragile when his skills are lifted, but there is no doubt that when he makes this skill, the messenger’s ability will be greatly improved and he will be more excited when he faces a stronger enemy.
"Sou" rang and an arrow shot into the general’s chest rapidly. "Bang" the arrow hit the general’s body, and the body of the arrow was still shaking strongly. This shows how strong the strength of the arrow is, but the solidity of the general’s body after strengthening his skills is unimaginable. The arrow shot by the 19 th-level archer can actually shoot the arrow into the general’s body. The general took a look at the arrow inserted in his left chest and snorted without moving, but shook his body and the arrow fell to the ground! Looking at the position of the arrow in the general seems to have hurt the skin a little, and in an instant, the wound is a little bigger than the belly of the finger, and it seems that not only the general’s physical strength but also his recovery ability has risen to an abnormal level.
The general’s eyes were fixed on the arrow’s direction, and the archer hiding in the shadows was frightened. I didn’t expect the general’s momentum to become so compelling in such a short time! I have a feeling that I can’t resist!
The general stared at it for a while, and suddenly his left leg stretched forward and stepped on the ground. One stroke of right fist was the simplest, and the straight fist was blasted at the archer to see the three people stunned. Did this guy’s IQ drop after the gun was spent? But they were all wrong. The general is not stupid, but strong. Really strong!
It’s natural for the general to dare to swing his fist at a place ten meters away from the archer. It’s natural for him to see that the archer naturally hides behind stalagmites when he swings his fist.
"Coax" an archer leaning on stalagmites was blown apart and scattered stone chips flew out. He was able to hide beside stalagmites for more than ten meters. The archer was the first to feel a strong rush from behind, throwing himself far away and making a loud noise. Fortunately, he was still unconscious. When he landed, he tried to hide on the ground. Stalagmites had to suffer from the pain of tens of thousands of stalagmites. Only then did the archer find out his injury and dozens of drops of blood.
This punch made Sun Sheng look silly. I didn’t expect that this strengthened the general to be so tough. This was not a fist just now. It was simply a howitzer! The big guy is even more frightened. What is this? The physical skills seem to be much better than himself. I also want to make the word "drag" to make the skills necessary. This general will be much easier to deal with when it comes to time. But look at this situation, this plan is ruined. If I don’t make the same physical skills, I can’t hold on for long. I can’t think of it here. The big guy did not hesitate to make the physical skills "crazy"
It makes the skills bigger, the appearance is not as big as that of the general, but the muscles become stronger and full of explosive power.
The general and the big one both yelled at each other and then fought hand-to-hand in one place.
Sun Sheng can’t always help. Although he suffered a major setback just now, he still saved the life of the big one. So it seems that God still favors Sun Sheng. Sun Sheng decided to make a move or not. I don’t believe he can play so accurately this time!
Zhang Gong cover stone Sun Sheng practiced his shooting skills. In view of Sun Sheng’s low attack, he felt that the general simply ignored Sun Sheng’s harassment and put pressure on the big one. The general was too big, and almost every time he shot a stone, it would hurt him a little. Although Sun Sheng knew this, who could let people defend themselves so high and the blood was so thick? But Sun Sheng also knows that he can do it at this stage, that is, close combat? It’s better to have fun than to wipe your neck!
Seeing that the big man is more and more passive in resisting Sun Sheng, he is anxious in his heart, but he can also play his slingshot in no hurry. Now he can also hope for his slingshot shooting skills with two knives. I hope he can work miracles.
There is no doubt that there is no shortage of miracles in the world, but the number of miracles will never be many, otherwise it will not be called a miracle. Just now, Sun Sheng has created a miracle with his first shot, so fate has kept his balance and never waved his arms at Sun Sheng again.
Without effective support, the pressure is increasing and it can’t hold on …
Chapter seventy-one To the dead!
Although the general doesn’t have a weapon in hand, his almost invulnerable and resilient abnormal flesh is worth a high-level weapon. Although he got a broadsword that works quite smoothly, he can treat it as a weapon that won’t be damaged and has no additional properties before appraisal. It just can’t play its original general’s long-arm iron fist, which is also said to have no advantage. Just when Sun Sheng kept shooting his stone-harming fists, the general had already beaten the big one by relying on his iron fists. Defeat: Every time a general swings his fists, his fists can bring a burst of arrogance. Every time he confronts a big man, he can’t help but retreat for a step or two. Even if he has a hard resistance, he leans against the stalagmite behind him, but the stalagmite rebound also makes the big man feel extremely uncomfortable because he can’t change the general’s iron fist power.
It’s another simple move of a straight fist general, but it has brought unprecedented pressure to the big one. Looking at the straight fist, the big one suddenly felt a sense of strength. I didn’t expect the general to be so powerful after strengthening his skills, and he could be even with him before strengthening his skills. After strengthening himself, there was such a big gap with him! Although I don’t want to admit defeat, the big one still has to consider the way out for everyone in his own team.
The general’s fist strength can’t be distracted by the enemy. The destructive power of this fist is more violent than that of exchanges. The broadsword that stood in his chest was blasted back by the general’s fist and hit the big chest hard. He retreated a few steps until he leaned against an stalagmite. He leaned against the big stalagmite and felt suffocated in his chest. If it weren’t for the stalagmite support behind him, he would almost be unable to stand, and this punch also reduced his blood volume by nearly 200 points. This is also called a time for him, who is among the top three players in defense and health.
The general won’t pity the enemy. He once dominated the battlefield. Does he know the profound meaning of the sentence "To pity the enemy is to be cruel to yourself"? "Killing you while you are sick" is also the only rule for the battlefield to fight against the enemy. He has just ignored the heroic spirit of recklessly fighting with the big one, and he punched the big one before he stepped.
Although the big guy was injured, he couldn’t hide from the general’s iron fist. He rolled to the ground in a mess, but the general didn’t only have an iron fist, but also a pair of big feet about the size of a washboard. The general didn’t hesitate to lift his huge feet and roll on the ground while watching the general move. When he saw the general lift his foot, the big guy complained in his heart that he would continue to roll. When he met stalagmites, his hands and feet even pushed around and fought on the ground. The big guy didn’t have no chance to get up, but he had to face the general’s iron fist now.
Sun Shengshi can’t hit the general any more. Stalagmites stand in the way of chasing the big figure constantly. Watching the general carry him with big feet, Sun Sheng is also in a hurry. Since seeing these men fighting with two monsters here, Sun Sheng’s blood has boiled. Now Sun Sheng can’t help but put a slingshot and pick up jet.
Courage is commendable. Sun Sheng quietly ran to the general with a sword in his hand. He wanted to make a sudden attack, but he didn’t know that his so-called silence was no different from running while shouting. Who made his rank low and there was no threat to the general? Intuition told the general that none of Sun Sheng was alive and kicking, and the big one was more threatening. Therefore, the general took a shielding attitude towards Sun Sheng’s action base. Two meters before the general, Sun Sheng jumped up with a slightly lower stalagmite and barely jumped to the general’s chest position. At the highest point, Sun Sheng stabbed the general’s spine with his elastic sword.
The tip of the sword is about to stab the general’s body. Sun Shengdu was surprised that the sneak attack went smoothly, but he didn’t think that the general was calm for a reason. Jet met his opponent this time and his opponent was still a body! Sharp jet also leaves a small mouth in the general’s leather armor. Sun Sheng estimates that the tip of jet has just touched the general’s skin, but it can be stabbed into Sun Sheng’s hand, and his arm can no longer be stabbed forward for a moment. Sun Sheng seems to have stopped in the middle.
The general ignored Sun Sheng’s attack. I didn’t expect this seemingly harmful guy to hurt himself. Just 50 o’clock injury angered the arrogant general. When Sun Sheng didn’t come to the ground, the general swept behind him with a wave of his hand, and Sun Sheng was posing as a stab.
At the same time, Sun Shengnai regrets that he put on something cool. Isn’t it the same thing to jump to the middle school and stab him in the thigh? Anyway, it doesn’t hurt people. Can you still escape on the ground? Now it’s good to watch people’s fists hit you. You are a general, but whether Sun Sheng is confessing his fists or not, Sun Shenglai has to lift his thighs and block the route of his fists. I want to use the elasticity of my feet to dissolve part of the strength of the general’s fists. This is all conscious. Sun Shenggen has no time to think about whether this is correct.
It turns out that Sun Sheng didn’t resist it in front of that kind of earth force. A punch was hitting Sun Sheng’s leg and slamming Sun Shengwan like Netflix once.
In the middle school, Sun Sheng read "measuring the Buddha", that is, more than 500 points of injury to himself, with a total of only 650 points of blood! Fortunately, the general made a hasty move, otherwise he might have lost himself by resisting those punches just now.
Sun Sheng tried his best to make an emergency landing in the middle of the game. Fortunately, the general’s fist was cruel, but there was no such injury as a broken arm and leg in the game. Otherwise, Sun Shengke would be really miserable. This is also because players consider that no one wants to fight with others without arms and legs, especially the bloody images of girls are still very exciting to players. This is the free function of human brain, and there is no way to make up for it in high technology.
Ready to move, Sun Sheng still landed on his feet, but the general still paralyzed Sun Sheng’s leg with one punch. When he landed, Sun Sheng fell back several steps before jet stood on the ground and stopped the retreat.
The general didn’t chase after him, but turned to continue to deal with the big one. Sun Sheng finally got up from the ground and drank a mouthful of red. Sun Sheng seemed to hear him call out "Thank you!" At this time, he has pulled some distance from the general, and everyone knows that it seems that it is a mistake and stupidity to fight against the general now, and now he can escape by speed until the general’s strengthening skills are effective
After strengthening, the general’s IQ did not decrease, but showed signs of increasing. After chasing the big man for a while, he seemed to be white. He slowly slowed down and turned to look around. When he saw those people still lying quietly on the ground, the green light in his eyes was better than striding towards them.
Take a drastic measure to save Zhao from Wei! I didn’t expect this general to know thirty-six tricks! When Sun Sheng and the big man realized this situation, they could not help but sigh. How could they escape? They could crustily skin of head and rush.
General Sun Sheng shouted at the same time that the general always rushed to Sun Sheng or limped. Of course, he had already drunk the general and still came over with a bottle of medicine to fill his blood.
Lying on the ground, although a few people can’t move physically, their spirits are awake. It’s very clear to see the general running towards their side. Several people’s faces have become fat. Ah, a "life is a hero, death is a ghost, and we will die with backbone. Don’t be afraid that our heads will fall off without even a scar!" Goodbye, comrades! " It’s a pity that several people are looking closer and closer, and no one has seen his star-rated performance.
"What to say? Believe that the cat demon will come to save us. "Beauty’s words are powerful, and they have just been approved by everyone except fat."
"And the little brother I called to know that my eyes have never been wrong. That little brother will definitely surprise us!"
"Cut!" Handsome guy’s words attract contempt from his peers.
A few people are really happy to talk, and there is no awareness of impending death. Is the strength of a big person really so credible?

Hum! Cooperate with the provocative madness, a more violent and more intense momentum than just now poured out of Sean’s body and rushed straight at Xingqi, pressing straight towards Heyang City

From Sean’s cold arrogance, arrogance, arrogance and irrationality, Xing Qi has completely determined that the other party is here to provoke, compromise and explain. Although he doesn’t want Sean’s enemy, he doesn’t need to be afraid when the other party comes to the door. Then fight. Xing Qi’s heart has also raised the sense of limiting war
"Hum, dare not!" Hum! Samsung dou Zun breath also rushed out from the star strange body and rushed out to meet Sean’s fighting spirit! It’s sunny and thunderous, and two imposing forces collide. If thunder and thunder ring, the sky will bring a violent storm.
"By the way, by the way, haha! Starkey’s adult Sean’s adult is right. "In the face of pushing, drying and pulling, the impact momentum is close to watching people, and there is no fear. Instead, it is even crazier in the distance, and it is even crazier in the direction of Xicheng.
"Competitive, this is the breath of Samsung Dou Zun! The battle between two talented adults cannot be missed! " Some bucket emperors hiding near Heyang City suddenly shot at Heyang City regardless of their identity when they saw such a scene.
"Good, very militant, and really worthy of being a peerless genius. I have been looking forward to your World War I for a long time. Hahahaha, you are qualified for World War I."
Sean’s arrival today is extremely abnormal, low-key and extremely high-profile. He is even more angry and arrogant, and he is even more shocked by a large piece of Heyang City.
"Wow, Sean’s adult is so crazy and imposing, so manly and so handsome. If you can look at me, it’s worth dying." Some young ladies with two eyes are guilty of flowers.
"This is the strong. The strong should be puffed up in the face of ten thousand people. I am crazy … Sean’s adult is so colorful. It would be great if we could have such a day." Many bucket kings are extremely passionate and look at Sean.
"Sean’s adult is so powerful! Not the kui is a mainland on the first day compared to the star’s adult is inferior to many "many bucket division also yi travel up.
Sean’s arrogance did not arouse the disgust of all people in Heyangcheng, but was even more cheered by all people. The strong should be arrogant and arrogant in front of the weak. It is reasonable that many people in Heyangcheng think that Xingqi is usually good at expressing people’s wishes, but it is still that Xingqi’s adults lack masculinity.
"The fighting spirit is very strong." "You are qualified for World War I!" The tone went straight into the river, and the people of Yangcheng, Xingqi’s family, were furious with Qitu Bell, as if they had not carried the momentum just now and they were not qualified for World War I in old Dalian.
"His grandmother is really a peerless genius. It’s a compliment. It’s really shameless." After hearing all the reviews, I felt that my boss’s momentum and limelight were robbed by the other party. Tubel was not angry in his heart and could not help but whisper and scold.
"What should you expect me to fight? What should you look for me to fight?" Although the other party constantly stimulated and responded to the other party’s challenge, Xingqi’s head was not crazy because of fever. He was very rational and wanted to ask how old he was and why he was so looking forward to his first world war
"Because of the feud with you, I have to fight for life and death, but you and I have a feud." Sean is still so arrogant, and his answer is very concise
"Is it because of me that you have a genius name? I don’t value genius names. If you are surprised that the world name values this hilly mainland on the first day, you can take it at any time."
"Hum, I’m always a loner. Do you know the name Xingqi? I’m surprised that you forgot all about it. I didn’t expect you to feel guilty about what you did in those years …
It seems that I didn’t want to say anything about what I came to see you, but I can give you a wake-up call. I went to Liangjiang City before this river city. Since today, the Les and Dawn families in Liangjiang City have disappeared. Hahaha, since today, the five families in Liangjiang County have completely disappeared. Now you should know that I look forward to your first world war. "
Whoo! The wind whistled at Sean’s words, but Xingqi’s face changed dramatically. "Les and Dawn’s family are gone" and "the original five families in Liangjiang County are gone"
"So that’s it. I really forgot to forget that there are two members of the Ataturk family, that is, this genius fights Sean and his brother Siebel to destroy the family. Of course, it is an old feud and it is also necessary to find you."
After several years of killing the Teja family, Sean and Siebel didn’t find a door to Xingqi. It was true that they had done a perfect job, and others didn’t know it. Then they gradually forgot the enmity in those years, and now they still don’t know it when they kill the door.
"If it’s a feud, then I’ll answer it. When and where I am, Xingqi will arrive on time." After a long silence, Xingqi raised his head and looked coldly at Sean.
Sean immediately knew that he didn’t calculate his family like he did in the past, but he made his own world war I to settle the feud, but he didn’t want to let the hatred deepen. This is the best solution. Xingqi certainly agreed.
"Give you seven days to arrange a seven-day life-and-death battle in the western hills outside the Liangjiang River". With a sarcastic remark, pack up the momentum and shoot away in the distance.
Even if you leave a message, it will be successful and creative. Please work hard!
【 Chapter 62 Prewar sensation 】
"Lord Sean is going to have a decisive battle with Lord Xingqi!" If thunder explodes in the spring, the shocking news that Sean suddenly appeared in Heyang City on April 22 will explode all over the mainland like spring thunder.
Sean’s two people, Xing Qi and Qiu Ji, are both absolute geniuses. Both of them are young, and the strong are born in the hilly mainland. The strong are worshipped by the people in the hilly mainland, and the two arrogant stars in the hilly mainland are called the mainland’s double flowers by many admirers.
Xing Qi Xi ‘an is known as a peerless genius in mainland China, but which one is more talented? Who is the first peerless genius in mainland China, the so-called Wen Yi Wu Er? This makes many people very controversial.
Sean didn’t show up much, but his fighting power was extraordinary. In the first world war, Yinshan killed several Samsung fights and retreated several emperors. The strong ones were treated as equals by Emperor Ryukyu and Emperor Yandou.
And Xingqi is not to mention that his fame has been heard since he fought a few years ago. Almost every once in a while, he will make several sensational events. Among the many major events that have happened in Qiuji Mainland in recent years, the seventh floor is just like Xingqi.
There are many stars and wonders in appearance, which grow rapidly and become powerful with the passage of time. From Qiyue Peak to challenge many bucket emperors to slay them, to Tianyin Mountain to slay them. The achievements of many bucket emperors are also shocking.
If Lord Sean is a forbearing and peerless strong man, then Lord Xingqi is a growth-oriented and peerless strong man. Lord Sean suddenly broke out in the world after years of seclusion, but Lord Xingqi killed the strong man step by step and grew up bloody, and the blood of others made his name.
Lord Sean was able to defeat the emperor a year ago, and Lord Xingqi fought against the emperor Xu Yin in a year. From the achievement method, Lord Sean is better than Lord Xingqi, but Lord Xingqi always brings surprises to people. Every time he returns to dive, his strength will increase sharply. Does this retirement for nearly a year mean that his strength will increase again?
Sean has a certificate of evil deeds, but Xingqi is a person who can’t always theorize, and Xingqi is far younger than Sean. Both admirers have their own words, and it can’t be said that others insist on their own views.
It’s not only the vast number of people in the hilly mainland, but also the wonder of the stars. It’s hard to tell who is strong and who is weak without a war. It’s only the first day of the hilly mainland that the next day is genius.
Sean Xingqi is going to war, which means that the thunder across the mainland can’t help but wake up many strong people. Sean Xingqi is going to have a fight between the two adults, so whoever is strong and who is weak will come out. The shocking news has brought a violent sensation.
"Ha-ha, let’s see what those people have to say. This time, adult Sean dared to provoke adult Xingqi’s territory. Hey-hey, then adult Xingqi severely beat adult Sean. Is it the first day that they dare to fight for adult Sean?"
Liang Jiangcheng, since the battle of Xing Qi Xi ‘an, many bucket kings and bucket divisions have poured in, and a group of younger bucket divisions have gathered at a big table to talk wildly.
"Hum, it’s not certain who will beat you. The former Star Wars statue was just lucky, but everyone was weaker than the opponent. But this time, the opponent has a magic title, Lord Sean. This time, the Star Wars statue will take off a few layers of skin even if it is not dead."
There are too many strong people rushing to Liangjiang County. Many strong people come to Liangjiang County to watch the war. Before the war, of course, they all went to restaurants to explain or listen to some pre-war news. This caused Liangjiang County to need every restaurant to be full of J.
Just next to the attic, a table is surrounded by several older bucket divisions, and just a few of them are supporting Sean. When he hears the words of several young bucket divisions, he can’t help sneering and retorting.
"Say what? You say who lost to Starkey’s adult is the most important thing in my life. How can the strong be lost or lost? That is, Sean Dou Zun is really white for so many years without seeing anything."
"It’s what Qin Xiong said about the powerful Niuyangshan of Xingqi’s adult. All of us have seen it with our own eyes, but we haven’t seen whether Sean Dou Zun is really powerful in the Yinshan War. Are we making it up?"
"Hum, it’s really a kid who said that we didn’t see that we ate more salt than you did rice. How could we not have your knowledge? Do you know that Wude doesn’t know it? A look at your eyes will tell that Wude is the real strong Wu Xiude. At ordinary times, we rarely make moves, and we don’t like killing. Only when the key is pressed will we make moves.
Lord Sean is so bad that he rarely kills, unlike the Star Wars, which are linked to family blood feuds. From the perspective of martial arts, Lord Sean is far stronger than the Star Wars.
Hum, look at you young people, who are all young and have no hair growing. You are all influenced by the stars and wonders. You are so brave and brave that you remember to practice. It is really getting stronger and stronger, and you really don’t respect the elderly at all. "
Because of the age gap between Xingqi and Sean, most people who support Xingqi are also young or too dismissive. Young people are crazy about Xingqi, and many young people who are stimulated by Xingqi are squeezed by the rising of the strong, and their status is getting lower and lower. The older generation and the strong are all supporting Sean.
"Bastard, you’re not hairy until you’re fifteen years old. You’re too old to go into the coffin. You’re too old to have hair. You have a dead branch …"
As a result of many fighting masters gathered in Liangjiang County, the strong people kept quarreling endlessly, like a small pavilion restaurant, which was a very small part of Liangjiang County.
Many strong men came to the city for the fight between Xing Qi and Sean, and there was martial law in the river city. Even if they quarreled, they didn’t dare to start work, which didn’t cause bloody conflicts.
Looking at the attic, Starkissian quarreled with a red face in World War I, but he was only able to make a big move. Both of them were unaware that these people were really chatting and would let people have something to drill.
"My Lord, they left!" The shadow fox sipped tea when an equally staring at the quarrel restaurant bucket king said
"Well, you continue to stare at the adults here and go out for a walk." With that, the shadow fox came out from the elegant seat and followed two owners who had just started a quarrel but cleverly left the wine shop.
From the announcement of the war, people kept pouring into Liangjiang City, and a powerful organization was found in Heyang City and Liangjiang County City. A large number of intelligence personnel were organized intentionally, and they deliberately provoked people’s emotions. I didn’t know that these people were like shadows, so I could follow them up in person.
On April 26th, there are still three days before the engagement of Star Qi Xi ‘an, and he fell into the river villa with a picture that took him three days to receive Xi ‘an’s information. Star Qi’s face is as cool as a well, and he has no mood swings.
"Ciencia was born in 9954 in the city of Liangjiang County, and ran away from home at the age of 18, and combined with the civilian achievement method, he started his own magic trick.
At the age of fifteen, he broke through the rank of king, and at the age of twenty-four, he killed the family with three strokes. At the age of twenty-six, the elder Wang went straight to the six stars. At the age of twenty, he found that his own skill was incomplete and went into possession three years later, and then he retired to the 47-year-old Tianyin Mountain, where he appeared and killed several Samsung fighters.
According to the intelligence, the magic power that Sean practiced was not created, but the real name of this power was derived from Sean’s peerless skill hidden in the Sutra of Returning to Heaven.
The tactic of returning to the ghost is a non-human achievement method, which comes from the practice of the ghost. The achievement method is a five-peerless achievement method of the five houses in the world. The five houses have been born for a long time, but they have never been practiced successfully. This achievement method is extremely evil. It is evil and possessed, and it is strong to cultivate the soul. With the increase of practice, one person can be transformed into two thousand statues.
You will never die if you respect immortality. This work is quite immortal … Due to insufficient information, this achievement method has unknown shortcomings and unknown power, but it must be extremely powerful if it is included in the Five Mansions and Five Books … "
In the eye closure, every time Xingqi reads out a sentence, it will suddenly and violently shake the heart of the shadow fox. The paper information obtained by Xingqi is not obtained by the shadow fox, but the shadow fox excavated by Xingqi through the Phoenix clan is actually shocked by the narrative of the paper phoenix clan about the evil way.
Non-human achievement method world’s five beautiful achievement methods, one evil possessed, thousands of places in two places, and two fire hui old man’s every word made the shadow fox’s head hit like a hard bowl.
This technique is so abnormal! Sean, who has practiced this kind of achievement method, is abnormal and worthy of being a peerless genius. It is true for Sean’s peerless genius, the famous shadow fox.
"Shadow Fox, did you find out that the troublemakers in Heyangcheng and Liangjiangcheng have a big organization besides some feverish heads and some other forces?"
For the old man Huo Hui’s description of Sean and Wan Mo’s robbery, Xingqi was just surprised, and he didn’t have much fear. Because Xingqi also got the five-day peerless achievement method of burning heaven and refining the body with blood, he had a clear understanding from burning heaven and practicing the body.


Feng Zhang rushed all the way to Guandu and Lv Qiling naturally followed. Anyway, the meritorious military service has been reported to the public, and a general has changed his new armor. Together with Huang Zhong and Hao Zhao, he led seven hundred and fifty bows and rode Qinbing back to the camp.
"Knowing the opportunity is just right!" As soon as Feng Zhang stepped into the handsome account, Cao Cao handed him a piece of paper with a small head. "Yuan Shao has moved again. This pie is three Yuan Shang, Shen Pei and Fengji."
Except Jia Xu, who leaned slightly here, everyone got up to salute Feng Zhang, even in summer Houyuan. Although Feng Zhang is lower than him in seniority, this place is obviously an official position.
"Yuan Shao is more cautious than the previous two times, and I’m afraid he won’t be again." The paper message is written in comparison, even if the conflicts between Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang have arrived
"It seems that filial piety is right. After all, Lombardi is not too stupid to want to strike, but I am afraid it must be in Guandu, but it is like letting Lombardi come willingly?"
"Master Lombardi lost two battles and lost two generals. His heart is bound to be extremely alert. This time, it is estimated that he will also be careful to guard against us. In addition to paralyzing his heart and being arrogant, he will not be able to do anything else. Yuan Shang, who is a little trivial, is by no means arrogant in our opponent’s battle. He is eager to take the lead in the battle for the first place. Yuan Shang will probably recruit him. Lombardi will not worry about coming. You know, for Yuan Shang, Lombardi, the most popular spy also said that Yuan Jia will continue to be a father. This problem is already choppy.
"There will be a master, do you remember that rumor? In a word … "
"Want me to Wen Yuan general qi don’t know Yuan Shang improper"
Cao Cao secretly nodded when he heard this. One of the important reasons why Feng Zhang and Jia Xu must be kept as staff officers is that they all have a big picture, and they will not go to the war on the body of the war, but will have a very sharp eye and see all aspects related to the whole war
From astronomy to geography, from the hearts of both sides to the leading generals, every soldier’s income will be taken into account.
The Yuan family fought for Cao Cao’s office. It has been heard for a long time that nothing can be done to make Yuan’s family responsible unless …
Yuan Shao is gone!
Then there are only two men in Yuan Jia who will definitely fight for Yuan Shao’s position and fight with each other.
There have been too many such things throughout the ages, and the Yuan family will be no exception.
When there is a threat from foreign enemies, they will form a temporary unity. Once the crisis is over, they will tear each other’s camouflage and fight to the death.
Strive to be like love, without so many restrictions, but fight harder with blood.
It’s easy for Yuan Shao to die, and it seems that Yuan Shao’s health is not so good.
"Well, then you two must seduce Guandu with Wen Yuan. Besides, I heard that Tian Feng and Ju Shou were taken up by Yuan Shao?"
Jia Xu this just slow up "master has let the history of o" said sit as light as water.
"I’m afraid these two people are extremely loyal to had, and even if they come here, they will not necessarily submit." Man Chong said.
"Well, Berning doesn’t have to worry about it." Cao Cao’s mouth hangs with an amazing smile. There is a kind of person who is best at doing this kind of thing. "There are two people who have knowledge and know the machine … hahaha!"
Section two hundred and nine Guandu (1)
When updated, 2725 1:36:57 words: 2672
Yuan Shang leads the way, and there are two advisers with intelligence at the left and right, which can be described as extreme caution.
This time, a large number of agents were sent to haunt the banks of the Yellow River. When crossing the river in Yanjin, they were afraid that they would come back from the back of the river for a hundred miles.
Yuan Shang personally led Zhongjun Shen Pei to lead the front department to meet him carefully.
As a result, 100,000 people spent three days crossing the river in fear, and nothing happened.
This made Yuan Shang very depressed. In the process of crossing the river, he would have a series of dazzling attacks and then rely on his keen sense of smell, excellent command and excellent mind to resolve them one by one …
As a result, I was so angry that I was punched, just like a beautiful girl dressed up for the dance but stopped, so no one appreciated her beauty …
The original Feng Zhang also expected that Yuan Shang’s March might be slower, but he didn’t expect it to be so slow
Why don’t you go home and come back after the two pregnant women have given birth to the baby? Maybe Yuan Shang hasn’t touched Guandu yet.
Deputy Zhang Liao is also very depressed.
A general wants not to be discriminated against by the original team. First, he must be a man. Second, he must have money to show so that people don’t look down on himself.
But there’s already a Wen Chou head in the account
But Zhang Liao was very dissatisfied.
And this time it will be lieutenant Feng Zhang and I heard that it seems to be going to lure the enemy.
What? My last name is Zhang! Why don’t you change back to the original name Nie Liao (Zhang Liao was originally named Nie)?