

### 营养价值


1. **维生素和糖分含量高**:柿子所含的维生素和糖分比一般水果高出1-2倍,其中维生素C的含量尤为突出,一个柿子几乎能提供一天所需维生素C的一半。

2. **微量元素丰富**:柿子含有胡萝卜素、核黄素、维生素等多种微量元素,这些都是维持人体健康所必需的营养素。

### 功效与益处

1. **润肺化痰**:柿子具有润肺化痰的功效,对于干燥的秋天,能有效缓解喉咙不适。

2. **清热生津**:柿子性甘寒,能清热生津,对口腔干燥、口渴等情况有很好的缓解作用。

3. **健脾益胃**:中医认为柿子具有健脾益胃的作用,有助于消化系统的健康。

4. **润肠通便**:柿子富含果胶和有机酸,有助于润肠通便,对缓解便秘有积极作用。

5. **凉血止血**:柿子的性寒属性使其具有凉血止血的功效,适用于治疗因热病引起的出血症状。

6. **增强免疫力**:柿子富含的维生素和微量元素有助于增强人体免疫系统,提高对细菌、病毒和真菌的抵抗力。

7. **预防疾病**:柿子内含的维生素和碘能预防因缺碘引起的地方性甲状腺肿大。

8. **抗癌作用**:柿子含有桦木酸,是一种已知的抗癌化合物,有助于减缓癌症的发展。

9. **抗衰老和改善视力**:柿子中富含的维生素A、-胡萝卜素等有助于防止皮肤过早衰老,同时对抗衰老、改善视力也有益。

10. **降低血压和改善血液循环**:柿子中的钾和铜有助于扩张血管、降低血压,同时铜是形成红细胞的重要元素,有助于改善血液循环。

### 注意事项


1. **空腹不宜食用**:柿子含有较多的鞣酸,空腹食用可能导致胃酸过多,引起不适。

2. **低血压者适量食用**:柿子性寒,低血压患者应适量食用,以免血压过低。



1. **健脑益智**:鱼卵含有丰富的蛋白质、卵磷脂和脑磷脂,这些成分对于大脑的发育和功能具有积极作用,有助于提高记忆力。


2. **滋阴补肾**:鱼卵具有滋阴补肾的功效,适合用于调理肾虚、腰膝酸软等症状。

3. **预防脚气**:鱼卵中含有丰富的维生素B,可以预防脚气病和皮肤类疾病。

4. **保护视力**:鱼卵中的维生素A和核黄素对眼睛有益,可以预防眼疾,保护视力。

5. **增强免疫力**:鱼卵中的蛋白质和矿物质有助于增强人体免疫力,减少疾病发生。

6. **促进身体发育**:鱼卵富含的蛋白质和钙、磷、铁等矿物质对儿童和青少年的生长发育非常有益。

7. **美容养颜**:鱼卵中的抗氧化物质有助于延缓皮肤衰老,保持皮肤光洁润滑。


1. **胆固醇含量高**:鱼卵中含有较高的胆固醇,对于患有高脂血症、动脉硬化、高血压等心脑血管疾病的人群来说,过量食用可能会加重病情。

2. **尿酸偏高痛风患者**:鱼卵中含有较高的嘌呤,尿酸偏高的痛风患者应避免食用,以免加重病情。

3. **肥胖脂肪肝患者**:肥胖和脂肪肝患者应适量食用鱼卵,过量食用可能会导致脂肪肝病情加重。

4. **过敏体质**:部分人群对鱼卵可能存在过敏反应,过敏体质者应谨慎食用。



桄榔,又称棕榈,是一种常见的热带植物,其学名为Areca palm。桄榔的作用非常多样,以下是一些详细的说明:

### 植物学作用

桄榔,又称棕榈,是一种常见的热带植物,其学名为Areca palm。桄榔的作用非常多样,以下是一些详细的说明:

1. **生态作用**:桄榔是热带雨林中常见的植物,能够提供栖息地给众多动物,是生物多样性的重要组成部分。
2. **土壤保护**:桄榔的根系可以固定土壤,防止水土流失。
3. **氧气生产**:通过光合作用,桄榔可以产生氧气,净化空气。

### 经济作用

1. **木材**:桄榔木材坚硬耐用,常用于建筑、家具制作等。
2. **纤维**:桄榔的纤维可以用来制作绳索、渔网等。
3. **棕榈叶**:桄榔的叶可以用来制作扇子、帽子等。
4. **种子**:桄榔的种子可以食用,也可以用来制作油。
5. **药材**:桄榔的种子、叶等部分在中医中被用作药材。

### 文化作用

1. **装饰**:桄榔树形优美,常用于园林绿化和庭院装饰。
2. **象征**:在某些文化中,桄榔被看作是生命力、繁衍和长寿的象征。

### 其他作用

1. **生物研究**:桄榔是生物学家研究热带植物生态和生理的重要对象。
2. **气候变化监测**:桄榔的生长情况可以反映局部气候的变化。



1. **提神醒脑**:桂花干具有浓郁的香气,这种香气可以刺激大脑,帮助提神醒脑,使精神保持振奋,对工作和学习都有积极作用。

2. **美容养颜**:桂花干含有丰富的维生素和活性成分,能滋养肌肤,提高皮肤弹性,减少皱纹生成,并且含有的一些微量元素能阻止黑色素生成,起到美白作用。

3. **清新口气**:桂花干泡水后,其芳香油和挥发油可以去除口腔异味,防止口臭,同时还能消除口腔炎症。


4. **保护肠胃**:桂花干能防止肠炎、胃炎等肠胃疾病,有助于维护肠胃健康。

5. **开胃消食**:桂花干中含有的挥发油可以促进唾液、胃液等多种消化液分泌,加快食物中脂肪和蛋白质的分解,提高食物的吸收利用率。

6. **保护眼睛**:桂花干泡水喝能够缓解眼疲劳,防止目赤肿痛,同时含有的胡萝卜素和维生素A有助于营养视神经,提高视网膜功能。

7. **抗病毒**:桂花干泡水喝可以提高身体的抗病毒能力,防止病毒滋生病,保护人体细胞不受病毒伤害。

8. **暖胃生津**:桂花干性温,对于胃寒的人有暖胃作用,同时能生津止渴。

9. **化痰止咳**:桂花干在中医中被认为具有化痰止咳的功效,适用于治疗咳嗽、痰多等症状。

10. **活血化瘀**:桂花干还有活血化瘀的作用,可用于治疗瘀血引起的症状,如痛经等。



1. **滋阴养血**:红枣含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,能够补血养气,适合血虚引起的面色苍白、头晕眼花等症状。枸杞则能滋补肝肾,益精明目,对肝肾阴虚有很好的调理作用。


2. **润肺止咳**:银耳富含胶质和多种氨基酸,具有润肺止咳、清热解毒的功效,对于干咳无痰、咽喉干燥等症状有很好的缓解作用。

3. **增强免疫力**:银耳中的多糖类物质能够增强人体免疫力,减少细菌和病毒的感染,对健康有益。


4. **美容养颜**:银耳中的天然胶质和枸杞中的抗氧化成分,可以滋润皮肤,延缓衰老,有助于保持皮肤弹性和光泽。


5. **调节神经系统,改善睡眠**:红枣具有调节神经系统的功能,有助于改善睡眠质量,对于神经衰弱、失眠多梦有辅助治疗作用。

6. **保护肝脏**:红枣具有清肝火的作用,能够帮助肝脏排毒,适合肝脏功能较弱的人群。

7. **降脂、降血压**:红枣枸杞银耳汤中的一些成分有助于降低血脂和血压,对心血管健康有积极作用。

8. **滋阴补肾**:银耳和枸杞都有滋阴补肾的功效,对于肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状有改善作用。

9. **辅助调理脾胃**:红枣和银耳对脾胃虚弱有一定的调理作用,有助于改善食欲不振、消化不良等症状。



### 姜的养生益处:

1. **温中散寒**:姜性温,有温中散寒的作用,适用于治疗因寒邪引起的腹痛、呕吐等症状。
2. **发汗解表**:姜能促进汗液排出,有助于解除风寒感冒的症状。
3. **助阳**:中医认为姜具有助阳的作用,适用于阳虚体质的人群。
4. **促进消化**:姜能促进消化液分泌,帮助消化,缓解消化不良。
5. **抗菌消炎**:姜具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,可以用于治疗轻微的皮肤感染和炎症。

### 冰糖的养生益处:

1. **补中益气**:冰糖味甘,具有补中益气的功效,适用于体虚乏力、食欲不振等症状。
2. **润肺止咳**:冰糖可以润肺止咳,适用于治疗咳嗽、喉咙痛等症状。
3. **生津止渴**:冰糖具有生津止渴的作用,适用于口干舌燥、咽喉不适等症状。
4. **清热解毒**:冰糖可以清热解毒,适用于热病发热、口腔溃疡等症状。

### 姜与冰糖结合的养生益处:

1. **止咳平喘**:姜与冰糖结合熬水饮用,具有很好的止咳平喘作用,适用于冬季感冒咳嗽等症状。
2. **提高免疫力**:姜与冰糖的组合能够增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。


3. **促进消化**:姜与冰糖有助于调理脾胃,促进消化吸收。
4. **预防流感**:姜与冰糖熬水饮用可以预防流感,降低感冒的发病率。


This is the four gates of heaven and the worse gate.

When the growth king saw a man rushing out of Tianmen, he couldn’t help asking, "Guard the Lingguan?"
The vigilante stopped and said, "I don’t know if the gods sent me here to find out if there are any gods on patrol today."
The Heavenly King of Growth said, "Not long ago, a Pleiadian star official went to the stargazing platform to inspect the company’s morning crow."
"Isn’t this a trivial matter that will disturb you?"
The growth king wondered, "Isn’t it just thunder? Every day, the thunder department doesn’t know how much it drops, no matter who will be the god of thunder, the Taoist priest and so on."
"I don’t know about this little god. Forgive me, King, but the little god is doing something."
The picket officer hurried away.
Shaking his head, the growth king went back to his original position and continued to guard the worse gate.
A green light fell outside the evil dumpling abode of fairies and immortals, and Meng Jia was exposed.
Smell the smell.
"Is it my brother’s abode of fairies and immortals?"
But I didn’t stay to jump around and see the Three-headed Demon coming.
"Meng Xiong can find kin?"
Meng Jia shook his head and added, "This time, I invited three brothers to help me, but I was careful. That man is not a good man. I fought with him for forty or fifty times before, but I didn’t take it."
"Why don’t my three brothers leave Huaguoshan and go out to find a way since childhood? Wouldn’t it be like a night trip if they don’t show it?"
"Yes, it is. If you go back this time, you may still be able to fight for the Lord of Huaguo Mountain."
Meng Jia also congratulated the three brothers on their early completion of the great cause.
The Four Demons shout and chase them all the way.
Wu Ming didn’t know that there was a pursuer behind him and went back to the city to tell the duke’s house that the evil spirits outside the city west had been removed.
But let people give out.
"Fork it out, fork it out, don’t you dare to take the credit for it? You don’t have long hair to pretend to be a demon-killer. Get out!"
Two teams of guards eyeing Wu Ming to blow out.
"Hum is so irritating. Brother asked me to kill a few and teach them a lesson."
"Brother ate them."
"If some ordinary brothers don’t let our sisters take care of them!"
Wu Ming shook his head and said, "If monks stay away from the common customs, they will be hindered by the dusty road."
"Brother, don’t you just put up with it?"
Wu Ming said with a smile, "Of course, it’s not a demon disaster in the west of the city. It’s not too much for me to scold me again and take him 3,220."
It was the theft of the treasure house of the Lord’s Mansion that alarmed the officers and men of the whole city. Unfortunately, the thief was not found. It is said that the Lord Qi was in bed for three days before he had a meal.
Chapter 3 Entering the Mountain and Striving for the Dragon in the Sea
After thousands of miles, sometimes in the middle of nowhere, sometimes in the clouds and fog, I climbed mountains and waded all the way. After January, I finally reached the offshore.
Wu Ming has stopped.
It’s probably because he refined a wave of monster source monasticism that it’s time to condense the elixir.
At this time, I was anxious to find a quiet place where I could feel at ease, so Wu Ming strolled in Shan Ye according to Yuntou.
That is, to find a breakthrough and to rest assured that God remains pure.
By a pool, Wu Ming’s seven spider spirits let them guard the baggage while he went to wash himself.
There are seven spider spirits left. Look at me. I’ll look at you.
"Elder sister, do you want Fifth Sister, Sixth Sister and Seventh Sister to watch? Let’s go and wash, too?" Lao si yi Dao
In an instant, three spider spirits who can’t talk are anxious.
You four can’t stop bullying us, can you?
Or is the boss distressed by the three little sisters and said directly, "If you don’t go there, there are all senior brothers’ clothes and some scattered silver. No one in Shan Ye should steal them."
The seven spider spirits ran away with joy
Half an hour later, Wu Ming and the seven spider spirits went back to their original places and looked at the baggage and there was a silence.
Boss Xiaohong took the initiative to apologize and said, "I’m sorry, brother, I asked my sisters to go together. If you want to blame me, blame me."
"Brother doesn’t blame elder sister, it’s our fault."
"Brother, blame me, blame me. Don’t be angry …"
Looking at several spider spirits scrambling to admit Wu’s name, he was not angry. Just now, I was wondering if this was triggered by seven school sisters passively.
Brother Keng takes a bath and loses his clothes?
"It’s okay to lose it. It’s a fight. Pay attention to the clothes and don’t throw them away casually …"
Take seven spider spirits and keep walking.
So whoever stole his clothes and silver Wu Ming didn’t bother to look for it. Compared with Jiedan, it was a trivial matter.
Just at this time to shake his mood …
I was refreshed after bathing, and I was neither happy because I was about to get married, nor angry and blamed because my sisters lost their clothes and silver.
A cliff saw a cave in a ravine, and Wu Ming took a fancy to the wind flying into it.
Should worship the Sanqing Buddha.
"Sanqing Tianzun’s brother has been practicing for more than 120 years and sincerely upholds the orthodox religion. Now he wants to make a fortune and hope that Tianzun will bless him!"
Then I sat quietly in the stone cave, and the seven spider spirits guarded the door very seriously.
Wu Ming got up and walked to the mouth of the cave after sitting in the middle of the cave for seven days.
"Ah, brother, did you become an elixir?"
Bright red exclaimed at the sight of Wu Ming

Old Deng Liwei finally found out that the Lakers won Game 4 because of their strong defense rather than attack. Even Odom’s offensive performance was poor. In fact, his defense against Artest was also in place many times

The clippers and the Lakers played the fourth game in the Eastern Conference finals the day before the war.
The Cavaliers eliminated by the Celtics have encountered the pistons in the playoffs in the past two seasons. LeBron James, the core player of the Cavaliers, has a certain understanding of the pistons. James said that he will also watch the Eastern Conference finals. He believes that the pistons’ strong ability to play away from home will bring trouble to the Celtics. "I think the pistons are very confident on the road, and I really think they are better off at home. They have reached the Eastern Conference finals for six consecutive years. Rich experience in the finals will give them a head start at the crucial moment."
I don’t know if the little emperor blessed James, who is optimistic about the team, finally won, which runs counter to the magician’s crow’s mouth. This time, James said that the Pistons beat the Celtics 9475 at home and tied the total score of the Eastern Conference finals to 22. The fifth game between the two sides will be held at Pistons’ home on the 26th.
If the Pistons lose the game today, they will fall into the abyss of elimination, but Elton Brand and Face Man Hamilton stepped forward and refused to let this happen. This game was the best playoff game of the old captain’s season. He scored 3 points and 1 rebound to help the Pistons beat the Celtics in 9475.
Elton Brand’s performance made the pistons find a balance. Hamilton scored 2 points, including 1 point in the last quarter. Rasheed Wallace also scored 14 points, 1 rebound, Prince scored 1 point, 6 rebounds and 3 blocks.
The Boston Big Three hit a very bad percentage today, but they struggled to support almost the whole game with their excellent performance in free throws. Kevin Gatt, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen failed to hit the game in the first seven shots, and they also made 11 of 3 shots. In the end, Gatt and Pierce each scored 15 points, and Allen scored 11 points. Rookie Elston scored the highest point in the game.
The Celtics are now back to the familiar 22-draw situation. Even if Al Thornton, a rookie, can score 1 point, the Celtics still lost to the Pistons away from home. Now Boston will face the same situation as when it faced the Hawks and Cavaliers in the previous two rounds of series.
Chapter two hundred and seventeen There are giant pandas today
The fifth game of the Western Conference Finals will be held at Staples Arena at 19: 00 on May 25th. This is the last home game of the Clippers. Whether it can advance to the finals or not is self-evident. The two teams are tied at 2:2 now. Whoever can win the fifth game will get the match point and take the initiative to enter the finals.
The Clippers got a good news and a bad news before the game. The good news is that the league announced in the early morning of the 25th that it didn’t punish Ji for elbowing Turiaf in the fourth game. The bad news is that Ji Guojiao has accumulated seven technical fouls and must be suspended for one game, and even if the Clippers can eliminate the Lakers, Ji Guojiao must be suspended for two technical fouls.
Fox said that the limit of seven technical fouls was too strict, so few times were accidentally exceeded. It should be 14 technical fouls before suspension, which is scientific.
The Lakers are very dissatisfied with the league’s penalty. They think Turiaf has confirmed that the French people’s nose and bones have been beaten into several pieces. The fox is so vicious, but there is no punishment except a technical foul. Don’t say that Ji Guo was banned for shame. That’s because his own fouls have accumulated to the specified number. The league is so partial to dead foxes. Who believes that he is not Stern’s illegitimate son?
In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the nba is a very successful commercial league, but in the final analysis, the nba is also a kind of entertainment game. In addition to following the basic rules of basketball, the game must also have its own unspoken rules, which are accepted by the league, referees, teams, coaches and players.
One of the purposes of this is to embody the spirit of entertainment, the other is to embody commercial interests, and the second is whether Qian Qian is important or not.
Simply put, let’s take a look at the ratings of the first four Los Angeles Derby games, but here we need to compare the ratings of the nba finals in one season with the average ratings of 730,000 in the nba finals in 27 years (the average ratings are 62 and mlb is 1.45 million (the average ratings are 11
Now let’s take a look at the average ratings of the first four games of this year’s Western Conference finals between Lakers and Clippers (average ratings of 16 and mlb finals of 170,000 (average ratings of 72
It can be said that since the Bull Dynasty came to the nba playoffs, there has been no such high ratings. The American professional basketball led by David Stern has always been suppressed by the Major League Baseball. Especially last year’s "Real Madrid War" made David Stern so angry that he vomited blood. It is simply unbearable to look back!
However, this year, the situation has reversed. In the nba division finals alone, 1.75 million families have watched the game, far exceeding the ratings of Major League Baseball, and it has become the highest-rated league among the four major leagues in the United States.
What is the reason? Of course, it is the appeal of the Los Angeles Derby. The influence of Chinese twins in the United States exceeds everyone’s expectation. If it is not for Ji Guo’s humiliation and seven technical fouls, David Stern will not be able to stop the game. This means that the ratings may be reduced.
Chinese twins can’t be there to fight Peter Pan at the same time. The American people say that the game is not good-looking. David Stern is saddened by this!
Speaking of last year’s "Real Madrid" war, people had high hopes for the little emperor. He almost fought his way out of the east by himself, hoping that he would become another myth in the post-Jordan era after he ascended the throne.
But the cold spurs swept the little emperor out of the house without any sympathy. Duncan finally said, "The future is you", which not only slapped the gorilla in the face but also slapped David Stern!
The most important thing is that last year’s finals set a record for the lowest ratings in recent years, and David Stern was so worried that he had nowhere to fall.
Charles Buckley once said that Ji Guo was humiliated but never caught by the league. The reason is not that his hands are measured, but that their two brothers can get high playoff ratings. This year, the ratings of the Western Conference finals are several times higher than those of the mlb finals. David Stern has long been so happy that he can’t keep his mouth shut. How can it be difficult for this little fox?
When nba looks at a player, the first thing to look at is not the strength. Commercial interests rank first. Is there any appeal to raise the ratings? This is the key. If the Clippers can stimulate the ratings in the finals, then it is foreseeable that the Lakers will not get any benefits in the game. The league doesn’t care whether you are noble or not. They think that the ratings are summed up in one sentence-Stern covers the sky!
At 1: 03 pm on May 25th, the fifth game of the Western Conference Finals, Tianwangshan War, left half an hour before the game, the Clippers held the home team appearance ceremony, which was their last home game.
There were some changes in the order of players’ appearance in the Clippers’ admission ceremony today. The first appearance was Billups’ first appearance, Ji Guojiao, who was sitting behind the bench. Fox was dressed in a villain’s white suit and looked quite handsome. It seems that he was the only guy wearing a white suit to watch the ball on the sidelines. As soon as he entered, he stole everyone’s thunder. No one even photographed Beckham and Xiao Li on the sidelines. There was a new handsome guy here.
Taylor Swift is sitting next to Ji Guo’s humiliation today. Two guys show their love in broad daylight, which makes teenage fox fans jealous. They secretly bite their teeth and curse the so-called show of love. Taylor Swift, a fucking flat-chested woman, quickly hand over their handsome mohicans fox.
That’s right, this is no joke. Now Ji Guo’s humiliation and fame have long surpassed Taylor Swift’s future music diva. For the time being, she has been suppressed by Avril Lavigne and others, and it will take two or three years to accumulate before she can soar. At this time, the fox brother has quickly completed the overtaking in terms of income and fame.
Emma Watson is a little depressed in the distance. Today, she dresses up very heartily, but it seems that Fox Root didn’t look at her over there, which made her friends in the School of Magic even lose their mind to watch the ball. In their hearts, they secretly cursed Ji Guo’s shame when she dumped that little American singer.
Charles Buckley couldn’t help laughing when he saw a lonely panda brother. "It seems that he is used to watching the clipper race, and twins are present at the same time. It looks awkward to have a panda orphan today."
Kenny Smith said, "Yes, a person always seems to feel that something is missing. Speaking of Brother Panda, he has to get close to 6 assists per game. Before that, if you want to talk about the ball ability of linemen, everyone will first think that it must be that European center Divac has contributed 31 assists per game in his 16-year career in Divac, which makes him a representative of the line players. However, if you look at the data of Brother Panda, you will find that his talent in ball is not in Divac, and it should be said that it is much more than that."
Charles Buckley agrees with this point. "It is because of Brother Panda’s excellent overall situation and ball ability that he can find more breakthrough opportunities than Lupus, and Brother Fox and Artest are less likely to shoot outside than today’s Clippers. Brother Fox is responsible for scoring. Brother Panda’s test is the offensive ability of other Clippers players. Can they fill the gap if Brother Fox is absent? This is the key to the Clippers’ victory or defeat."
At the moment, fans watching this game also want to know how the Fox Clippers can make up for so many scoring loopholes without averaging 25 points in the playoffs today.
Today, Clippers sent Chauncey Billups, James Posey, Ron Artest, Tim Thomas and Ji Guoqiu as starters.
Old Deng Liwei also found that once the twins were missing, one of them was weak on the backup line, but he immediately showed his true colors, leaving him unable to defend Tim Thomas. However, there was nothing that could be done. The main array could not be strong and the backup array could not be strong. That was an inevitable solution. This season is the last resort. Can we see if we can choose a backup line in the second round in the summer draft? Speaking of the second round show, it is the lineman, especially the center, who is the latest among the five positions to mature. Many talented young centers are like rotten wood when they first entered the league, but they can gradually play out later, which also reflects how evil the twins are.
The Lakers sent Derek Schell, Kobe Bryant, Lamar Odom, Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum to the starting lineup today.
Today, as soon as the Zen master arrived, he sent out the strongest line combination of his team. The purpose is that many people bully fewer people. When the twins have a fight, they will give Ji Guo the highest intensity, output the fastest speed and attack the Clippers line. If it goes well, they are likely to kill the Clippers in a short time today.
"Too bad that stupid idiot fox isn’t there. The giant panda has to fight three times by himself. I wonder if he can hold on?" Emma Roberts was obviously worried when she saw the players on both sides preparing for a jump ball.
Julia Roberts smiled at little Rapunzel. "Emma, your neighbor is in trouble today. My aunt said that the Lakers would win the Clippers this year and wait a few years."
Emma Roberts snorted and ignored her aunt’s Lakers fans to draw a line.
At this time, Emma Roberts is not the only one who is worried about Ji Guoqiu. The vampire sister on the other side of the stadium is also worried about her boyfriend. Before Ji Guoqiu stayed abstinence at her home last night, the panda was not so serious. It can be imagined that today’s game must be very difficult for him.
Chapter two hundred and ten The adulterer and the adulterer
Ji Guo was ashamed to see Emma Roberts and Christine laughing heartlessly at this moment. Taylor Swift quietly pointed to Lolita and Twilight and said gloomily, "Look over there, dear … see … those two sisters are my brothers stepping on two boats. Do you think they will fight if they sit together?"
Taylor Swift was about to look in the direction of Ji Guo’s humiliation, but she didn’t want to turn around and saw Emma Watson looking at them. Taylor Swift immediately became angry and said from her heart, "Hum, you are watching you when you step on that boat. Do you think I will fight with her?"
"Where is my boat?" Ji Guo’s shame quickly followed the little singer’s eyes, and it was easy to see a black dress dressed very brightly. Emma Watson’s little dream trembled and stared at others but shouted "I am absolutely innocent!"
Suddenly there was a sharp whistle on the court, and Ji Guoqiu jumped up with the whistle and reached out to give the basketball to Billups. At the same time, he scolded in his heart, "What a suck! md, help me watch the position behind me. If we lose today, the remaining two are away games, we can book fishing positions before going home."
Ji Guoshi and Emma Watson looked at each other, and the latter smiled at him. Fox secretly said, "Little Hermione is indeed more beautiful than my sister." Of course, as soon as his face looked, he smiled at little Hermione as a gift, and then immediately turned to Taylor Swift and said, "Swear to the lamp that we are really innocent than your pants. Don’t make a wild guess. Let’s concentrate on watching how my brother was abused."
Taylor Swift smiled at the little British bitch and listened to his nonsense. She was so angry that she pinched the dead fox!
Today, as usual, the Clippers won the ball and got the first attack. Ji Guoqiu fell to the frontcourt, first helped Artest cover the ball, and then immediately fell to the left low post instead of playing pick-and-roll with Billups like falling to the high post.
Billups hit the basketball to the ground to catch the ball from Brother Ji Guoqiu Panda and then pushed Gasol backwards. It seems that he is ready to storm online.
Kobe Bryant immediately went to the line to avenge the country and the Lakers. Today’s defensive strategy is to guard against the offensive end of the line, which is also the main line, and strive to beat Brother Panda first. By then, the Clippers won’t even have one leg left. If they want to resist, they can’t give in easily!
Ji Guoqiu didn’t storm to attract the ball immediately after the defense.
Posey received the ball from the panda brother Odom outside the three-point line to change the defense. Posey quickly took the basketball to the weak Artest corner and got a three-point chance to hit the Clippers first!
In the first game, the Lakers kept an eye on Ji Guoqiu and double-teamed him. Brother Panda was not in a hurry to rush into the line to play hard, but kept looking for his teammates after he turned his back for the ball, because he knew that someone would double-team himself and his teammates would definitely have a shot.

Sitting in the hall, Liu Fei saw this kind of Zhang Ting with a smile on her mouth.

That’s how he knows Zhang Ting. He won’t bear it when he meets something unfair.
Ye Yuanyuan looked down at her skirt and shoes and let this damn Zhang Ting in front of her get dirty.
Bite teeth Ye Yuanyuan yi tooth crack mouth shouted at Zhang Ting "Zhang Ting, you village woman, look at what you made me dirty."
Zhang Ting looked at her dirty skirt and shoes with a koo expression, shrugged her shoulders and blinked her eyes more pure than rabbits. "This is not my thing. I just wanted to sweep the floor, mainly because someone farted here just now. I’ll clean it up here."
Ye Yuanyuan gritted his teeth after hearing Zhang Ting’s words.
Staring at Zhang Ting, I couldn’t wait to rush forward and bite her.
Take a deep breath and Ye Yuanyuan blocked her way forward. Zhang Ting Ye Yuanyuan walked to Liu Fei with a smile. "You like Zhang Ting, don’t you?"
Ye Yuanyuan canthus looked at vlon with a winning smile to ask.
Liu Fei let her this sentence ask zheng eyes immediately looked Zhang Ting side suddenly beautiful corners of the mouth bent up with a pure smile.
"You are wrong about this girl. Xiaoting and I are good friends. I treat her as my own sister."
Ye Yuanyuan snorted with a smile on her face. "Deception, where can there really be such pure friendship between brother and sister in this world? You must like this Zhang Ting in your heart, right?"
Facing Ye Yuanyuan, Liu Fei smiled and looked at Ye Yuanyuan’s almost crazy eyes. "Yes, I like courtyards."
In Liu Fei’s sentence, the leaves turn round as if he had discovered a new continent, and he turned his head and looked proudly at Zhang Ting. "Zhang Ting, did you hear that this man likes you? It seems that you are also an angry easy virtue woman. I really didn’t say anything wrong about you."
Zhang Ting narrowed his eyes and looked over at Liu Fei.
She didn’t understand why he said this sentence.
Liu Fei received Zhang Tingwang’s puzzled eyes and immediately took a look at Zhang Ting’s side to reassure her.
Ye Yuanyuan looked smug. "How about Zhang Ting? It seems that you are not as lofty as you appear. Do you think if Hao Ren knows that you dare to cuckold him at home, will he divorce you?"
"This girl, please hear me out. I like the small court, but I like her like the kind where my brother likes my sister and I like the small court. Hao Ren and I are also friends. If Hao Ren were here, he would believe me and the small court."
"What a loser. You like this Zhang Ting in your heart but don’t admit it."
Scold vlon Ye Yuanyuan looked at Zhang Ting’s eyes shining with unwillingness. "Zhang Ting, don’t be too proud. Even if you are innocent with this man, there is a man sitting in your carriage in the city today. Don’t say that you have nothing to do with that man?"
After hearing Ye Yuanyuan’s words, Zhang Ting thought carefully and soon remembered what Ye Yuanyuan said about the man.
Zhang Ting couldn’t help laughing at the thought that Erwa had become her adulterer.
Ye Yuanyuan suddenly laughed in front of her with wide eyes. Zhang Ting was dissatisfied and asked Zhang Ting, "Zhang Ting, what are you laughing at?"
"What am I laughing at? What do you do? I smile happily said to you that the adulterer is sorry. Oh, he is a younger brother in my village. He is helping in his married wife’s stall now."
Zhang Ting proud with Yuanyuan Ye unwilling to look at each other.
"How is it possible that you are not an adulterer * * *!" Ye Yuanyuan looked unwilling.
Before she came, she came with the heart of winning, and when she had a fight with this Zhang Ting, she realized that all these winning things were jokes.
Clenched his fist Ye Yuanyuan unwilling to look at Zhang Ting "Zhang Ting, I don’t believe you are innocent. You are a woman who can do such a big business of chicken essence. How can you do it? You must have done something disgusting behind Hao Ren’s back."
Zhang Ting looked at the crazy Ye Yuanyuan and shook his head. It seems that this surname Ye has experienced too many things outside and thought of everything as colored.
She can make this chicken essence business on her own. She must have been sheltered by someone or made some deals with those noble people, that is to say, she has hidden rules in modern times, so she will have this position today.
"Miss Ye, not everything in this world depends on those high-powered people who will have this position. We should do it down-to-earth and get ahead one day."
Zhang Ting looked at this kind of Ye Yuanyuan is a little sympathetic. It is estimated that this Ye Yuanyuan should have experienced such a thing.
"Say not the kui is my daughter-in-law Hong family indeed as expected have my daughter-in-law Hong family domineering" A satisfied voice floated in from the door.
A figure at the door came in from the inside.
Princess Hong came in from the outside with a big smile on her face.
Zhang Ting looked at Princess Hong coming in and got up from her chair with a surprised look. "When will you come, Princess?"

"Well, let me meet you!"

Ye Zhang steadied his eyes. He made a Rapier attack on the Five Dragons, which started the century war. The Five Dragons didn’t have a grade display, so Ye Zhang’s attack wouldn’t be lost. But when Ye Zhang hit the Five Dragons for five consecutive times, the opponent’s blood volume was reduced even by 1%.
Ye Zhang is not discouraged, but he also knows that this monster is definitely? ? ? Level can be said to be beyond the ranks of monsters that should appear in the dark arena.
But it doesn’t matter anymore. Five dragons and five heads brewed a fury at the same time, which caused 10,000 injuries to Zhang Ye when he hit him. This injury was still caused to him when his resistance to five attributes rose to 5%. It is conceivable that if there were no five runes arranged before Zhi Ruo, even if Ye Zhang had a divine blessing, he would be killed by a blow.
In the battle tug-of-war, several players woke up from their hesitation. When they saw the Ye Zhang Five Dragon Battle, no one cheered. They were very nervous with their fists clenched. They couldn’t see what direction the battle would go because it was beyond their knowledge of glitz.
The attack frequency of Five Dragon is not high, and before the attack, five heads of light balls will gather together, which gives Ye Zhang enough time to release the holy light. Ye Zhang struggled to maintain his blood volume and then bravely attacked the opponent with the holy light. After half an hour, the total blood volume of Five Dragon is still 1%.
The players are desperate, and the whirlwind is still amazing, but no matter how amazing he is, he can’t beat this ultimate BOSS by himself. A gloomy atmosphere is in the players.
When Angry and Famous Wars see the players in this depressed state, they can glare at them and then put all their attention on the field.
Ye Zhang kept fighting. He couldn’t control so much at this time. His attacks never stopped, and the apocalypse effect triggered again and again. The two sides maintained this kind of consumption, and they fell into a stalemate.
Just two hours later, the blood volume of Wulong decreased by 99%. Ye Zhang was inspired by this situation and at the same time, Zhiruoyin came again.
"Ye Zhang, the first rune stone near the Five Dragon on your left!"
Zhi Ruoyin is just like Zhang Ye’s Qixing. This is when he and Zhi Ruo fight together. He is not alone. When Ye Zhang activates Zhi Ruo to the rune with the double effects of divine blessing and holy light,
Fusion defense can be launched when attacked by a fusion monster to make this attack effective, but you have to discard a rune in the square.
When Ye Zhang saw this effect, there was a flash of light in the arena. When Ye Zhang threw away a stone that had not been clearly seen with Zhi Ruo’s finger position, Ye Zhang now noticed that Qian Ruo put it on the arena surface before leaving the arena. There were four runes in total, except that he dropped five runes to increase attributes and added fusion defense, and just now he threw away that rune. Zhi Ruo buried 11 profitable resources himself.
At this time, the Five Dragon Attack once again came to Ye Zhang, and the holy light started again to fill up the blood volume. With the continuous consumption of the battle, Zhang Yexin has gradually stabilized.
The attack of the Five Dragon is very high, but the method of killing him requires too much worry, and he needs to follow the steps.
Angry inflammation and famous wars have been holding the staff and watching Ye Zhang interspersed in the arena. They all wish they could resist an attack for Ye Zhang, even if they die, because the five dragons bring great potential and scene effect every time they attack. The blasting sputtered in the middle of the field and almost wrapped Ye Zhang in it, making their hearts seem to stop beating.
If Zhi has never been idle when she is present, she may be the most amazing person of all. She not only has to calculate all kinds of conditions, including the damage of the Five Dragon to Ye Zhang, but also calculate the time and every symbol.
Because the attack line of the Five Dragon fluctuates greatly, each attack of the Five Dragon is not 10,000, which sometimes exceeds 20,000, while Zhang Ye’s total blood volume is 27,000. When Zhire observes for a long time, he will say again at this time.
"The penultimate rune stone in Ye Zhang’s left hand!"
Zhang Ye picked up the rune stone before activating it, and his look suddenly became tense. This is a famous armor-destroying magic that destroys himself, a gain effect that halved the defense of the attacker.
When Ye Zhang dispelled his dark resistance, an attack by Five Dragon caused him twenty-six thousand injuries, which immediately put Ye Zhang in danger of death.
Although Ye Zhang is a little nervous, he believes that if Zhi doesn’t harm himself, he will destroy the magic effect because of his armor. At this time, his Rapier can increase the damage to the Five Dragon by 5%, but this still can change his disadvantage.
More than four hours have passed since Ye Zhang didn’t give up fighting and came to despair. At this time, many people have eased from despair. They note that although they didn’t participate in the big whirlwind battle, it seems that they also have a feeling of empathy. Ye Zhang is nervous.
"The last rune stone on the left of Ye Zhang!"
Zhi Ruo’s long-lost sound rang again. When Ye Zhang turned over the rune stone, he suddenly froze his eyes, revealing a little surprise and incomprehension. This process only took one second to activate the rune stone in Ye Zhang, and at the same time, the magic of the venue disappeared before the instantaneous change in the venue. When a dark door appeared behind Ye Zhang, he felt angry and felt that his heart was blocked by something, while muttering to himself a famous tunnel.
"Dark Leaf?"
Chapter four hundred and seventy-six Destroy Five Dragon ()
Dark Leaf is in combat, and each attack can be limited to one object.
Zhang Yezheng was puzzled. At the same time, Zhire revealed a smile at the corner of her mouth. She pointed to the last Fushikou in the venue and said
"Ye Zhang’s last rune stone"
Ye Zhang was confused at this time. When he turned over the last rune stone, he saw four big characters written on it.
monster reborn
Will abandon a monster to summon to the scene, and at this time Ye Zhang appeared in front of three virtual shadows, one of which was a level 1 pet summoned by Zhiruo and the other was a level 11 celestial king. When Ye Zhang saw the last time, his heart involuntarily revealed a shocking expression.
This is a silvery white dragon with seven gems of different colors around his neck. This monster remains in Ye Zhang’s memory. He clearly remembers that on the fourth floor of the cartoon castle, Zhiruo once led them to a place to defeat this monster, and this rune stone was that battle.
Ji Ji Bao Yu long
Ye Zhang’s heart suddenly rose a touch. In the glitz, the rune stone has a powerful effect, but no matter what kind of rune stone is unique, it is so small that all kinds of magic traps and avenues specially summon monsters. Once they are dropped, they can be used again.