
1. **改善睡眠**:桂圆肉具有安神养心的功效,对于长期失眠者来说,晚上食用十颗桂圆可以改善睡眠质量,同时有助于缓解心悸、心慌等症状。



2. **补益心脾**:中医认为,桂圆肉性温味甘,归心、脾经,能够滋养心脾,补益气血,对于心脾两虚引起的失眠、健忘、惊悸等症状有很好的缓解作用。

3. **增强记忆力**:桂圆肉被誉为“补脑第一灵丹”,对于用脑过度、记忆力减退等情况有很好的改善作用。

4. **补血补气**:桂圆肉含有丰富的葡萄糖、蛋白质、维生素和微量元素,能够有效补充气血,增加血红素,消除疲劳,增强体力。

5. **健脑**:桂圆肉中的营养成分有助于大脑健康,对于小孩体质虚弱、记忆力不佳等有较好的改善作用。


6. **抗衰老**:桂圆肉具有抗氧化作用,有助于对抗衰老,同时能降低血脂,对心血管系统有益。

7. **健脾胃**:桂圆肉有助于健脾开胃,对于食欲不振、消化不良等脾胃虚弱症状有改善作用。

8. **丰胸**:中医认为,桂圆肉有助于丰胸,对于追求身材丰满的女性来说,可以作为饮食中的滋补食材。

9. **美容养颜**:桂圆肉中的营养成分有助于润肤美容,使皮肤更加细腻有光泽。

10. **产后调补**:妇女在产后调补时,桂圆肉也是一个很好的选择,有助于恢复体力,增进健康。



1. **调经养颜**:鹿胎胶囊可以调节月经不调,改善月经量少、月经紊乱、早停经等症状,对女性月经周期和月经量具有调节作用。


2. **滋养卵巢**:鹿胎胶囊中含有丰富的生物活性物质,如麟多肪蛋白、各种生物活性肽、胚胎干细胞等,能够修复和滋养卵巢,促进卵泡成熟,从而保持卵巢的青春活力。

3. **延缓衰老**:通过滋养卵巢和调节激素水平,鹿胎胶囊有助于延缓女性更年期的到来,从而延缓衰老过程。

4. **平衡激素**:鹿胎胶囊可以平衡雌孕激素水平,有助于改善因激素水平失衡引起的各种症状。

5. **美容养颜**:长期服用鹿胎胶囊,可以通过调节内分泌,改善肤色,达到美容养颜的效果。

6. **修复子宫**:鹿胎胶囊具有修复子宫的作用,对子宫壁的修复有积极作用。



7. **通经散寒**:对于因寒湿引起的痛经、宫寒等症状,鹿胎胶囊也有一定的缓解作用。

8. **增强免疫力**:鹿胎胶囊中含有的多种营养成分,有助于增强人体免疫力。


– **遵循医嘱**:在使用鹿胎胶囊前,最好咨询专业医生的意见,特别是有特殊病史或正在服用其他药物的患者。
– **个体差异**:不同个体的体质和病情不同,对鹿胎胶囊的反应也可能不同。
– **过敏反应**:过敏体质者应慎用,使用过程中如出现过敏症状,应立即停药并寻求医生帮助。
– **注意饮食**:在服用鹿胎胶囊期间,应避免食用辛辣、寒凉等刺激性食物。



1. **活血化瘀**:丹参能够活血化瘀,促进血液循环,对于瘀血阻滞所致的病症,如月经不调、经闭、痛经等,有显著的疗效。

2. **通经止痛**:丹参具有通经止痛的作用,适用于治疗胸肋疼痛、关节疼痛、外伤引起的疼痛,以及女性月经引起的疼痛和产后瘀痛等。

3. **清心除烦**:丹参能清心除烦,对于心悸、失眠、烦躁不安等精神症状有缓解作用。


4. **凉血消痈**:丹参有凉血消痈的功效,适用于治疗疮疡肿痛、皮肤炎症等。


5. **治疗心血管疾病**:现代药理研究显示,丹参能扩张冠状动脉,增加冠脉流量,改善心肌缺血、梗塞和心脏功能,调节心率,扩张外周血管,改善微循环。因此,丹参常用于治疗冠心病、心绞痛等心血管疾病。

6. **调节血脂**:丹参具有降血脂的作用,有助于预防动脉粥样硬化。

7. **抗血栓**:丹参能够防止血栓形成,降低血栓风险。

8. **护肝作用**:丹参对肝脏有保护作用,可以促进肝细胞再生,抗肝纤维化。

9. **改善肾功能**:丹参有助于改善肾脏功能,增加尿素、肌酐、钠与磷的排出。

10. **抗菌作用**:丹参具有一定的抗菌作用,对金黄色葡萄球菌等敏感及耐药菌株均有抑制作用。

11. **镇静安神**:丹参对中枢神经有镇静与镇痛作用,有助于改善神经性衰弱性失眠。

12. **改善学习记忆**:丹参中的丹酚酸对实验性小鼠记忆障碍有改善作用。

13. **提高免疫力**:丹参能清除体内氧自由基,增强机体免疫力。



– 孕妇应谨慎使用,避免引起不良反应。
– 丹参不宜空腹服用,以免对肠胃造成刺激。
– 避免与其他药物同时服用,特别是藜芦类药物。
– 如有出血不止症状,不宜服用丹参。



1. **科学依据**:任何声称具有神奇功效的产品,都应当有科学研究的支持。消费者在了解和购买之前,应查看是否有权威机构或专业机构认证其功效。


2. **官方信息**:对于产品的功效,应关注官方发布的信息,如国家药品监督管理局、卫生健康委员会等官方机构发布的公告。

3. **理性判断**:不要轻信夸大宣传,应理性判断,不盲目追求所谓的“神奇功效”。




🌟 **独家成分**:天丹蕴含多种天然成分,经过科学配比,旨在为您的健康加分。

🌟 **多重功效**:
1. **增强免疫力**:帮助身体抵御病毒和细菌,增强自身抵抗力。
2. **调节生理**:改善内分泌,调节生理机能,让您焕发青春活力。
3. **缓解疲劳**:缓解工作、学习带来的压力,让您精力充沛。
4. **美容养颜**:滋养肌肤,延缓衰老,让您容光焕发。

🌟 **权威认证**:天丹已通过国家药品监督管理局认证,品质有保障。

🌟 **真实反馈**:众多消费者使用后表示,天丹确实带来了意想不到的效果。





1. **健康益处**:
– **降低胆固醇**:长期食用茶油能够降低人体血清中的胆固醇,对高血压、心脑血管疾病、肥胖症等疾病有明显疗效。
– **消化吸收**:茶油富含不饱和脂肪酸,易于人体消化吸收,消化吸收率高达99%以上。
– **预防疾病**:茶油具有清热化湿、杀虫解毒的作用,能够预防心脑血管疾病、抑制动脉粥样硬化。

2. **美容护肤**:
– **保护皮肤**:茶油富含维生素E和抗氧化成分,能有效保护皮肤,防止皮肤损伤和衰老,使皮肤具有光泽、细嫩。
– **去除妊娠纹**:茶油可涂抹于妊娠纹处,长期使用有助于妊娠纹变浅及去除。
– **防止脱发**:用茶油按摩头部,能促进头皮血液循环和新陈代谢,防止脱发。

3. **药用价值**:
– **治疗伤口**:茶油可用于治疗因上火导致的嘴巴破损,具有愈合伤口的作用。
– **防治蚊虫叮咬**:茶油可防治蚊虫叮咬,具有很好的止痒效果。
– **抗菌、抗病毒**:茶油具有抗菌、抗病毒及杀微菌的作用,能防止头癣、脱发、皮屑及止痒。

4. **烹饪用途**:
– **凉拌**:野生茶油不需加热,可直接用于凉拌各种荤素菜,使菜肴口味爽滑、清淡、不油腻。
– **热炒**:使用茶油热炒食物,颜色鲜黄,味香可口。

5. **工业、医药用途**:
– **工业用途**:茶油是烹饪食品、加工罐头、制作人造奶油的优质油料。
– **医药用途**:茶油在医药领域具有多种用途,如治疗气腹痛等。



1. **滋养肌肤**:紫茶含有丰富的黄酮类化合物和氨基酸,这些成分能够滋养肌肤,增强肌肤的光泽度和青春活力,使肌肤更加细腻光滑。

2. **软化血管**:紫茶含有高量的黄酮类化合物,能够软化血管,有效降低血压和血脂,对于预防心脑血管疾病有积极作用。

3. **助力减肥**:紫茶具有刮油作用,可以帮助体内脂类物质的溶解和排出,对于减肥有辅助作用,特别是结合适量运动和均衡饮食。

4. **抗氧化与抗衰老**:紫茶中的花青素含量较高,具有极强的抗氧化能力,能够清除体内的氧化自由基,延缓衰老,改善体质。

5. **生津止渴**:紫茶可以生津止渴,适合在干燥或口渴时饮用。


6. **促进新陈代谢**:紫茶可以促进身体的新陈代谢,帮助身体更好地排除毒素。

7. **缓解肠胃不适**:适量饮用紫茶有助于缓解肠胃消化不良和便秘症状。

8. **消除疲劳**:紫茶可以消除身体的疲劳感,提高工作效率。

9. **调节身体微循环**:紫茶有助于调节身体的微循环,改善血液循环。

10. **抗动脉硬化**:紫茶对于抗动脉硬化有积极作用,有助于中老年人预防心脑血管疾病。

11. **美容养颜**:紫茶中的花青素等成分有助于美容养颜,对皮肤健康有益。



If Song Yu wants to have absolute power, Lin Xiaoxiao needs to coax him all the time and always be a maverick. What will make the old lady Song Xiaoxiao stay with him all the time?

I don’t think much about all this, but I don’t need Lin Xiaoxiao to be wronged if I want him to come forward.
He thinks about this woman, but Lin Xiaoxiao actually thinks he is arbitrary.
Looking at the woman close at hand, Yan Lang doesn’t want to quarrel with her because of business. The consequence of quarreling is to consume each other’s feelings, which he cherishes too much to lose a spark.
The atmosphere at the stairway is getting colder and colder.
Lin Xiaoxiao actually regretted that sentence. Her tone was too heavy. Yan Lang was good to her. She didn’t know how to be good, and she shouldn’t be so harsh on him.
Yan Lang must be angry. What should she say now?
Lin Xiaoxiao’s brain was running rapidly, but then her cell phone rang again.
The ringing bell broke the silence. Lin Xiaoxiao took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It seems that it is still the old lady Song.
Pick it up with a man’s burning eyes; "hello"
"Where are we?" The girl with a deep voice is a little arrogant.
Lin Xiaoxiao lowered his voice, "The car will arrive soon, you can wait."
"Hum, I’ve reduced your score again." Obviously, I’m still angry after the other party hangs up.
Lin Xiaoxiao took the words and looked at Yan Lang for a quick laugh. "Well, this old lady in the Song Dynasty has a bad temper. It’s like taking her with her children, but it’s not bad. When we have a bear child, maybe our sex will be peaceful."
The child is almost a moment Yan Lang stuck his head and seemed to think of something. His eyes sank.
Lin Xiaoxiao didn’t realize what he said, but he was still weighing his words carefully for a long time, muttering, "Second, I assure you that I really want things to be implemented as soon as possible. I want to do the best job in this project. I know why you are angry. I swear I don’t like the mayor of Song either. I will try my best to keep my distance from him. Don’t worry, I will always be on your side."
Yan Lang doesn’t agree with Song Yu. He certainly doesn’t want his wife to get too close to his opponent, but the situation is pressing. Lin Xiaoxiao has to go to Song Yu recently because of Naishao, but she can guarantee that she won’t defect or betray the enemy.
But Lin Xiaoxiao didn’t know that Yan Lang and Song Yu were at odds because of her.
After a long silence, Yan Lang whispered, "Remember, you promise to remember."
Lin Xiaoxiao is pleased that he agreed.
Lin Xiaoxiao laughed and nodded repeatedly. "Remember, remember, remember absolutely." Then he asked, "Second, what do you want to eat later? I’ll go home early and make it for you."
Yan Lang sneered at a "casual"
Lin Xiaoxiao looked at him cheerfully and stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the face. "Then I’ll go first. See you later." Then I went to my car and got into it quickly.
Until the BMW 6 sailed away, Yan Lang was in the parking lot. It seems that she still has her heat in a certain position. He touched an eyebrow and lightened a lot:
Chapter 17 is not quite the same as expected.
It was almost eleven o’clock when Lin Xiaoxiao parked her car in the parking lot near the city center. The old lady Song’s face was bulging and her chestnut hair was blown a little messy by the wind.
Lin Xiaoxiao quickly held the old lady Song before, and naturally she cut her hair and apologized. "Grandma, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time."
The old man snorted and tilted his head to avoid her hand "Don’t touch me."
Lin Xiaoxiao let go but couldn’t help but wake up. "Your hair is a little messy."
"Who’s to blame?" Mrs. Song’s tone was very bad. "It’s not because of you. I need to wait here. Do you know what time it is? I’ll call you at nine o’clock."
Lin Xiaoxiao listened to her complaining, but she muttered that you wouldn’t stay at home. Didn’t you say that old people like to take a nap from time to time? Why doesn’t this old lady get up early every morning and don’t take a nap during the day?
Obviously, Lin Xiaoxiao’s idea is redundant. Mrs. Song is an energetic old man who likes warm and alternative things and dresses in various trends
When the old lady Lin Xiaoxiao went straight to the Beijing Opera House, it was almost noon now. Lin Xiaoxiao suggested eating first, but for the old man who had already eaten before going out, he refused to listen and insisted on going to go to the opera. Lin Xiaoxiao went to the canteen to buy some food and planned to spend it with her.
After chatting, Lin Xiaoxiao took out her bag and simply processed a few files, thinking that she hadn’t had her own private email for a long time.
So thinking about Lin Xiaoxiao conveniently landed in the mailbox.
There is not a letter in it.
This mailbox is a special registration of Chi Shuai, which is regarded as their private mailbox. Because of Chi Shuai’s special status as a "gold screenwriter", they have been making private mailboxes for communication in the later period.
However, since Chi Shuai returned to Australia, it seems that there has been no movement and I don’t know how the new drama has been created. Lin Xiaoxiao simply sent an email, and at the same time, I thought that I would meet Shiya another day and I must ask him about the recent situation of this cousin.
Lin Xiaoxiao turned the mailbox after sending the email, only to find that the old lady Song’s head didn’t know when to gather together.
"What" Lin Xiaoxiao got a fright.
Just in time for the actors to leave the scene, the old lady Song took a look at what Lin Xiaoxiao was doing. As soon as she saw it, she was sending an email and saw her click on the other party’s email head.
He is a handsome man.
"Who is he?" The old lady Song asked.
"What happened to a friend?"
"This is your mailbox." She looked at the friend column next to her eyes. "There is a friend who is this person."

See Lin Ze eyes doubt Herrick hurriedly said.

"This is Remidia Bayarica, the Archbishop of Magello, who is very distinguished and has the same faith as us! Is he helped us to suppress your body flame … "
Hearing that this is the grand templar, Archbishop Lin Ze of Magello hurriedly salutes the noble status of Archbishop Magello, Lin Zeke dare not dismiss it, but when hearing Herrick say that he has the same faith as us, Lin Ze was shocked, and two lights were scattered in his silver eyes, but these two lights disappeared instantly when they came into contact with Archbishop Magello …
The Archbishop of Magello saw Lin Ze’s reaction and said to himself, "It’s really worthy that the real strength of God’s chosen successor is far beyond the surface strength."
He nodded slightly at Lin Ze and said with a smile, "It’s good that the Oracle Temple is all right. Our Great Temple has not done anything. The key is to pay too much for the teacher Oracle."
Hearing the word Oracle, Lin Ze had guessed a lot, but he still looked at Archbishop Magello and expressed his gratitude.
It seems that the Archbishop of Magello and Lin Ze are abnormal. Obese and Weili are both looking at Lin Ze with some doubts, while the Archbishop of Magello looks at his granddaughter and says.
"Just leaving the teacher to treat Oracle must have taken a lot of effort. Obese, help grandpa send the teacher back to rest. Grandpa will also help Oracle check his body …"
Hear the archbishop of Magello said to help Lin Ze check a physical isolation said.
"I hope Archbishop Magello can help Lin Ze to have a good inspection. It seems that the fire power of Linze body is hidden and has not been completely dispelled. I can’t completely help Lin Ze, but Lin Ze should be much better now than before …"
Chapter 475 Doubt verification
If you think it is good, please share it with your friends.
Hearing the words of Wei Li, the three people’s faces changed slightly. I didn’t expect Wei Li to help Lin Ze recover completely! But now it seems that Li Li seems to have returned to normal, and it is no longer snowing. It seems that she is also fine, and then the three people just relaxed a little.
Wei Li said that he waved to Lin Ze, turned around and Obese left Remidia’s Great Temple. No one saw Wei Li’s curved arch eyebrows condensing frost when he turned around, which was too white skin …
Archbishop Magello, Lin Ze and Herrick returned to the prayer hall again.
The three people entered the prayer hall instantly, and Lin Ze’s soul force was ready. The identity of Archbishop Magello really made him doubt and Herrick believed this person so much. Although Lin Ze felt that this kind-hearted and white-haired old man meant no harm to himself, his identity as a ghost bearer made him have to be so vigilant.
Looking at Lin Ze so alert, Archbishop Magello smiled and said softly in front of the black cross.
"Oracle Hall, I have been waiting for you here for many years."
"Do you really know my identity? I am not your so-called Oracle! " Linze won’t be told his identity by Archbishop Magello in a word …
But the archbishop of Magello’s faith is more than real. He looked at Lin Ze with his eyes that penetrated the world and said
"Isn’t it you, the Apostle Enemy, who is predicted by the inheritors of ghosts and gods in Allard?"
Lin Ze clasped the archbishop of Magello with his hands consciously, knowing so clearly that his most secret identity had been known to him, and he seemed to know the secrets of ghosts and gods.
However, at the thought that Herrick had already approved the Archbishop of Magello and the strength of Archbishop Magello was unfathomable, Lin Ze did not make any further tests. He looked directly at Herrick with his letter and said.
"Herrick told me everything that happened during this period," said Lin Ze and looked apologetically at Archbishop Magello and said, "Your Excellency hopes you can give me some time."
Archbishop Magello nodded slightly and his eyes were appreciative of Lin Ze’s vigilance …
When Herrick saw Lin Ze asking what had happened, he told Lin Ze all the information that Archbishop Magello told him about ghosts and gods, especially that Archbishop Magello was able to bless his followers on behalf of Arad’s mainland god. His strength was that Archbishop Magello helped him to rise.
Archbishop Magello stood by quietly when Herrick spoke, without stopping Herrick or talking …
According to what Herrick said, Lin Ze learned more about Archbishop Magello. Ghosts and gods are the gods of Allard. So far, Dreyfus and Devil May Cry should have known that even Linze’s ghosts and gods didn’t know until Lin Ze learned the news.
The Archbishop of Magello, as an ordinary human being, could know this secret, saying that he was sure that the devil may cry or that Dreyfus, the god of death, had the devil may cry, which disappeared in Arad several years ago. Did Dreyfus, the god of death, tell Archbishop Magello?
And after a pause, Lin Ze looked carefully at the Archbishop of Magello and said.
"Archbishop Magello doesn’t know when hierophant believed in Arad’s mainland god in Remidia Bayarika’s cathedral?"
Archbishop Magello knew that Lin Ze was confirming his identity, but he felt guilty. Everything he did was in accordance with God’s will. He had nothing to hide from Lin Ze, Oracle. Archbishop Magello looked at Linze with a pious face and said lightly.
"hierophant, the grand shrine of Remidia Bayarica in Belmar Principality, believed in the God of Allard from the moment the shrine was established. We just followed the will of God to establish the grand shrine of Remidia, but when we established the grand shrine of Remidia, everyone didn’t know that we believed in God as ghosts and gods, and it was not until my archbishop that I was lucky enough to see miracles and know the truth of ghosts and gods."

The eyes are also influenced by all kinds of things seen by the naked eye, and a strange feeling rejection can emerge in the deepest part of the heart.

What is strong or weak or fierce?
The scene here
It’s as if it’s a mixture of all kinds of things that shouldn’t be malicious in hundreds of millions of years!
All guy with a little sense will feel uncomfortable here.
That’s what life can do at first!
Even if people are more afraid of [mephistopheles], such [Defense of the Ancients] will feel that their territory is a paradise and an amusement park for children of all ages after seeing the scene here.
Zeng Zeng Hua
A distant time
At present, the eye in the Complete Marvel Comics World-Comic World Outlook rules the Dream Dimension, and the Dimension Lord-Nightmare has been lucky to enter the Crimson Dimension for a short time when the Dimension Lord is a demon mage. I have witnessed many scenes that a generation can’t forget, and then I have nightmares every day and night …
It is precisely because of this.
accumulate over a long period of time
Become more and more crazy [nightmare] Finally, the powerful nightmare of its own repeatedly interacts with each other to find the [dream dimension] along the nightmare trajectory, where it has achieved its own [dimension Lord] identity, and then continuously draws on the fear of others that belongs to the fear of the rest of life by creating nightmares to fill its own defects.
Chapter 1475 Light wing
"… really makes me sick …"
It took a long time.
[Marquis of Death] finally slowly expresses his evaluation of [Crimson Dimension]
At the same time, those around who are killing each other are gradually aware of this alien guy who arrived here when crossing.
Some tried to attack him.
a moment
Before those attacks approached.
With the disgust of [Marquis of Death] sprouting.
A force far greater than those attacks broke out in an instant!
Like an eraser
Immediately erase all living things around you!
Even the surrounding earth and sky are constantly shaking and shaking.
Although that is enough to erase the power of [MultiUniverse (Marvel Comics)]!
Being hindered by the crimson dimension can fight back, but the effect is not great.
[Marquis of Death] The power he has just released is gradually abruptly offset.
Blood-red earth
as before
He didn’t wait for the ruler here as he expected-[Crimson Master]
There was silence all around.
normal condition
Once the dimension itself is invaded or attacked.
Then the other party [Dimension Lord] should act immediately.
But at this time in the face of his move [crimson master] there did not respond to reply.
As if nothing had been sensed!
In other words, the Marquis of Death just attacked or said hello, which was probably ignored by the other party …
"… too lazy to talk to me?"
"Or was it delayed by something?"
Is wrinkly to knit the brows
Looking around, there is no substantial difference between the environment and the environment except that some life is missing.
[Marquis of Death] made a guess in my mind.
He is a little grumpy and cruel.
I want to increase the attack and force Olga to show up.
But after thinking about it,
In the end, he didn’t choose to do that.
Is to look at the line of sight to somewhere in the south.
Although the crimson dimension is limited to growth.
The central area is unchanged.
Therefore, the Marquis of Death can clearly sense that the direction is the center of the whole dimension, and all expansion here is around it.
[Dimension Lord] Want to come and probably stay there.
At the height of the celestial pole, some kind of fan-shaped light curtain extended from that direction over his head and across the whole sky to the far end of the dimension, which also made him feel a strange sense of sight and made him a little curious
Just come anyway, let’s go there …’
After a while.
After a long distance [time jump]
[Marquis of Death] arrived at the destination.
Look around.
The edge of the ground is still a large group of people who seem to be exhausted.
All kinds of strange life are constantly killing each other here.
The sky is suspended with a super-large building complex.
The overall style is hard to say.
It is still acceptable to human beings.

The 22nd was surprised, "Does it work for you?"

"Er …" Lin stared at the 22nd generation with wide eyes and said, "Is it really because of believers’ faith?"
"How can it work for you?" In the 22nd century, Lin also used his brains. Now he found that Lin did the same thing but didn’t get the same result, so he thought about it. The result came out soon. "What could Jesus * Noah have done at the beginning, but you couldn’t … is it because you don’t belong to this time?"
Hear the 22nd this speculation Lin all froze …
The former Jesus Noah can live for thousands of years to support life burning and possessed. When he woke up, he suddenly disappeared. Most of him separated and the planet full of his followers suddenly died.
Qian Lin and the Dark King asked Jesus * Noah why his life span would be greatly increased and decreased. Noah was surprised that they didn’t know that this martial art that can create belief genes was brought from the future, but they were naturally surprised that these two future people didn’t know the ability of belief genes to prolong life span.
Lin didn’t know that was excusable.
The Dark King doesn’t know … The reason is also very simple. The martial arts of the Dark King are specially created to cultivate themselves, and the root of them doesn’t contain the gene of creating faith.
For other players … In the future, this kind of martial arts that can greatly prolong life and enhance combat effectiveness will be very precious, otherwise it will not be set with belief genes. Even if there are very few practitioners outside, it will not produce many beliefs and there will be no effect of prolonging life.
What’s more, in the future family martial arts, the belief gene belief is not a certain person but the whole family … The belief goal is not necessarily a person, but a thing, but a totem that must be possessed, but a whole interest.
Faith is defined as theft prevention in future martial arts!
Life span!
Sometimes life expectancy and health may be nothing … After all, there are too many patients whose bodies have long died, but they have survived day by day with spiritual will for decades!
Live by spiritual will!
At the beginning, Jesus Noah was like this … because of his faith, a large number of believers hoped that he would live, or should I say that his followers recognized him as immortal. Because of his belief in genes, he could feel the thoughts and expectations of his followers, and he had a very long life.
But there are limits to believing in such things.
The number is one and the other … Because Jesus * Noah left the planet full of believers, he left forever. This is also because Jesus * Noah burned and possessed life excessively. Otherwise, Jesus * Noah would certainly live longer and would not die as soon as he left the planet.
The same is true in the 22 nd life.
However, there are many tens of billions of believers in the 22 nd century, and the branches are very wide all over human society. Although he is far away from a large number of believers, he has never overdrawn his life and can still get some beliefs through the Internet.
Is that he can keep his life span stable in a range.
Combining case with practice, Lin instantly figured it out and smiled. "The reason why this method works for me is really … too obvious!"
Chapter five hundred and twenty-nine Mysterious woman!
For Lin XXII in this era, faith is faith!
For Lin, getting the root of belief in this special training is not a real belief but a rule of the game … What is ……np belief? Does that count?
If np’s belief in a player is also a belief, the method of obtaining belief is too simple
The game is always a game!
Even in the real game, the game can not become a reality.
The 22nd century looked at Lin with an epiphany and asked, "Have you thought of the reason?"
Lin didn’t conceal his nod and said, "It’s similar to your guess. After all, this body is not my real body. I can make the physical form prolong the life of my present body, but I can’t do it in a spiritual way. After all, my spirit, my thinking and my soul … don’t belong to this world!"
The 22nd century said, "It seems that you wouldn’t have thought of this if I hadn’t woken up, which means that there are not many people who know this situation in your future world … right?"
Lin said, "It seems that as far as I know, all the things that can create belief genes in future martial arts are added to prevent theft … I didn’t expect that we were really ignorant of gold and jade …"
The 22nd century looked at Lin with an awkward expression and asked, "You seem to have thought of something you want to say but don’t want to say."
"hmm!" Lin said, "I thought that the spirit must be inherited from the material, so there must be a limit to the life brought by faith. How many years is this limit?"
When I heard Lin Hua’s face change, I said, "Let’s just say it, don’t beat around the bush!"
"I’m afraid you will come to me directly because your life is coming to an end because of your faith!" Lin looked at the 22nd century and said, "Although I can’t see your exact life span now, I can be sure it will be much shorter than what I saw … It’s very likely that even you can determine it yourself. Just like ordinary people, you don’t know when death will suddenly come to your head. Material life can be felt through material reactions, but spiritual life can be felt by law. After all, everyone knows that it exists, but you can’t see it. Most people judge a child prodigy by physical performance. God’s state, but the appearance of belief, completely disrupts the original intimate connection between spirit and body, which also leads to the fact that the mental state shown by relying on the body is false and unreal. "
"Sure enough!" The 22nd century said, "It’s the belief of others that can prolong life, and it’s also the way to make people live forever. I’m really in a state of sudden death at any time, so I’m coming to you … just say what you want."
"Why are you so unwilling to let me know about the memory technology?" Lin stared at the 22nd century with wide eyes and said, "You are a man who keeps his promise, yes, but at the end of life and death, you can definitely abandon you. You are not the kind of person who will prove everything with his own life."
What is the 22nd century like? How can a man not know it?
The 22 nd century, like Lin, can be said to be an ordinary person in some ways. Just like ordinary people, human nature can be abandoned at the head of life crisis. What’s more, it is a promise.
"It seems that there is really nothing to talk about!"
Suddenly, the 22nd century’s face changed, and the whole person’s mental state seemed to be sublimated, giving off a horrible smell. At the same time, when the crutch was twisted in his hand, he pulled out a slender black long knife from the crutch, which was a knife. The target was very accurate, and the speed exceeded the speed of sound in an instant.
The feeling of death instantly appears when Lin quickly retreats … but that is to say, he escaped death or was cut out by the 22nd knife-drawing technique, and a slender blood stain was pulled out at the neck position.
As soon as the blood comes out, even if the life burning technology raises the self-healing ability of one’s body wound to a limit, the wound will heal immediately.
Lin looked up at 22nd with a knife in one hand and a cane scabbard in the other, and said faintly, "How dare you shoot me … It seems that you still have many secrets!"
Can the 22nd century beat Lin?
For the 22nd century, it must be that Lin’s strength is terrible now … Anyway, even if Lin doesn’t have a long life, his strength will never be affected by his life. He is definitely in a peak state rather than a weak period.
The 22nd century is well aware of this situation.
Now, the 22nd century will wait until the end of his life. I don’t know when death will suddenly come to his head. At this time, I dare to sneak attack Lin directly instead of choosing to hand over the memory technology to Lin … I’m not sure that Lin won’t do anything unless I have to. The 22nd century won’t do it either.
But the truth is that the 22nd century did!
It also shows that the 22nd century is prepared, even if he is not prepared to win, there is bound to be a big chance of success.
"isn’t that what you want to see!" The 22nd century said coldly, "Now you can have a good look."
The figure of the 22nd century disappeared in the same place, just like Jesus Noah, who made life burn and possessed, and his body moved faster than the speed of sound.
Without hesitation, Lin immediately dodged away from the original place and shouted, "You are really desperate!"
"Just kill you!"
In the hands of the 22nd century, the long knife cut the clothes of the forest body and pulled out several blood stains in the forest body, but the blood stains just appeared and soon became scarred.
"Ha ha! I see how long you can support this state! " Lin is hiding and flashing in this big conference room.
Knife light!
Flying blood!
The battle was over in just ten seconds.
The figure of the 22 nd century appeared, bent over and gasped, and it was already older than the body. Now the root is dying and the horse is about to die.
I have the strength to say, "I didn’t force you to be possessed!"