
1. **补益脾胃**:红枣富含维生素、蛋白质、糖类、纤维素等,能滋补脾胃,改善消化不良、食欲降低等症状。对于容易腹泻、身体乏力、消化功能降低的人群,饮用红枣枸杞汤可以改善这些不适。

2. **保护肝脏**:枸杞中的多种氨基酸和枸杞多糖能降低肝脏细胞的病理损伤,修复受损的肝脏细胞,促进肝细胞再生。红枣中的维生素也有助于保护肝脏。

3. **补血安神**:枸杞和红枣都具有补血安神的作用,适合用于改善失眠、心悸、神经衰弱等症状。

4. **美容养颜**:红枣中的维生素C能促进新陈代谢,减少皮肤上的斑点与痘痘,有助于美容养颜。枸杞中的抗氧化成分也能帮助减缓皮肤衰老。


5. **增强免疫力**:红枣和枸杞均能提高人体免疫力,有助于抵御疾病。

6. **调节内分泌**:对于内分泌失调引起的各种问题,如月经不调等,红枣枸杞汤具有一定的调理作用。

7. **调节血糖**:红枣具有调节血糖的作用,适合糖尿病患者适量食用。

8. **抗疲劳**:枸杞和红枣都具有抗疲劳、增强体力的功效。

9. **促进新陈代谢**:红枣中的成分能帮助身体更好地进行新陈代谢,有助于排毒。

10. **改善心血管功能**:红枣中的芦丁成分有助于软化血管,降低血压,对心血管健康有益。




1. **止痒收敛**:湿疹药膏中通常含有冰片、氧化锌等成分,这些成分能够有效缓解湿疹引起的瘙痒感,同时具有收敛和干燥的作用,有助于减少皮肤渗出,对红斑丘疹弥漫渗出性疾病有一定的疗效。

2. **抗炎作用**:激素类药膏是湿疹治疗中的常用成分,它们可以调节糖、脂肪和蛋白质的生物合成、代谢,抑制免疫应答,起到抗炎、抗毒、抗休克等作用。这些药膏可以通用于所有湿疹症状,使患者炎症消退,瘙痒消失。

3. **抗过敏作用**:激素类药膏具有抗过敏作用,能够减轻湿疹患者的过敏反应,从而缓解症状。

4. **抗菌作用**:某些湿疹药膏中可能含有抗感染成分,如红霉素软膏,可以对抗细菌感染,适用于湿疹伴有细菌感染的情况。

5. **保湿作用**:部分药膏含有保湿成分,如糠酸莫米松乳膏,能够帮助保持皮肤的水分,缓解干燥症状。

6. **辅助治疗**:除了药膏治疗,湿疹患者还应注意生活习惯的调整,如保持皮肤干燥,穿透气性好的衣服,避免长时间接触化学物质等,以及饮食方面的调整,避免食用刺激性食物和饮料。


– **遵医嘱**:使用药膏时应遵循医生或药剂师的指导,不要随意增减药量。
– **观察反应**:注意观察药效和皮肤反应,如出现不适应及时就医。
– **治疗周期**:根据湿疹的不同阶段选择合适的药膏,且不可长时间使用激素类药膏,以免病情加重。



1. **降血压和血脂**:花生中含有丰富的植物固醇和不饱和脂肪酸,醋也有助于降低血液中的胆固醇,两者结合可以有效地降低血压和血脂。

2. **清热、活血**:花生本身具有活血化瘀的功效,醋的加入可以增强这种效果,对于保护血管壁、阻止血栓形成有较好的作用。

3. **促进消化**:醋泡花生可以帮助开胃、消食化积,对于消化不良、食欲不振的人有很好的辅助治疗效果。


4. **调节血液酸碱平衡**:醋泡花生中的醋成分有助于调节体内的酸碱平衡,对身体健康有益。

5. **润肠通便**:花生富含膳食纤维,醋泡后可以更好地促进肠道蠕动,有助于润肠通便。

6. **促进骨骼生长**:花生中含有的钙、磷等矿物质,对于骨骼的生长和修复有重要作用。

7. **增强记忆力**:花生中含有丰富的脑磷脂和卵磷脂,这些物质对于神经系统运行非常重要,有助于增强记忆力。


8. **抗衰老**:花生中的维生素E和丰富的抗氧化物质,能够抵抗自由基,延缓细胞老化。

9. **预防疾病**:花生中的红衣具有抑制纤维蛋白溶解、促进血小板新生、加强毛细血管收缩等功能,对血小板减少、肺结核咳血和泌尿道出血等疾病患者有益。

10. **美容养颜**:花生中的不饱和脂肪酸和甾醇有助于保持肌肤润泽、细腻,使头发浓密有光泽。



### 苏梗的功效:

1. **理气宽中**:苏梗能够理气,对于胸腹气滞、脾闷作胀等症有缓解作用,可以治疗胸胁胀满、胃胀胃满等感觉。

2. **止痛**:苏梗具有止痛效果,可以用于治疗胃痛、上腹部胀痛等症状。


3. **安胎**:对于怀孕期间的女性,苏梗可以用来治疗胎动不安、先兆流产等,具有一定的保胎作用。

4. **消食顺气**:苏梗可以帮助消化,对于食滞不化、胃肠道阻塞等情况有改善作用。

5. **治疗感冒**:苏梗可用于治疗感冒引起的发热症状。

6. **抗菌消炎**:苏梗具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,对大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌及葡萄球菌等有一定的抑制作用。

7. **其他作用**:苏梗还可以用于治疗脚气、吐血、鼻子出血等症状。

### 苏梗的影响:

1. **适宜人群**:苏梗适用于气机阻滞、胸腹气滞、脾胃不和、胎动不安等症状的人群。

2. **禁忌人群**:孕妇、哺乳期妇女、有特殊体质的人群应在医生指导下使用。

3. **药物相互作用**:与其他药物合用时,需注意可能出现的相互作用,建议在专业中医师的指导下使用。

4. **剂量控制**:苏梗的使用剂量应严格按照医嘱,过量使用可能会引起不良反应。

5. **煎煮方法**:苏梗一般入煎剂,也可煎汤或入丸散,建议在煎煮时注意火候和时间,以确保药效。



1. **滋补肝肾**:枸杞具有很好的滋补肝肾作用,能够帮助改善肝肾阴虚的情况,对于肝肾不足引起的腰膝酸软、头晕目眩等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **益气养阴**:山药具有健脾养肺的功效,可以增强体质,同时枸杞也有养阴的作用,两者结合可以改善气血不足、体虚乏力等症状。

3. **补气血**:枸杞和山药泡水饮用可以补充气血,对于改善疲劳、增强体力有一定的帮助。



4. **调节免疫力**:枸杞和山药泡水饮用可以提高人体免疫力,增强体质,有助于抵抗疾病。

5. **改善消化**:山药具有帮助消化的作用,可以促进肠道蠕动,对于消化不良、食欲不振有一定的改善作用。

6. **预防心血管疾病**:山药和枸杞泡水饮用有助于预防心血管疾病,如高血压、高血脂等。

7. **调节血糖和血脂**:枸杞和山药泡水饮用对于调节血糖和血脂有一定的帮助,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **缓解压力**:枸杞具有抗疲劳、缓解压力的作用,长期饮用有助于缓解压力,改善睡眠质量。



1. **润肺清热**:白牡丹茶具有很好的润肺清热作用,适用于肺阴亏损引起的干咳少痰、鼻燥口干等症状。

2. **提神醒脑**:茶中含有的咖啡碱可以兴奋神经,缓解疲劳,具有提神醒脑的效果,适合工作疲劳或精神不振时饮用。

3. **延缓衰老**:白牡丹茶中的氨基酸和茶多酚成分有助于补充肌肤所需的营养物质,减慢肌肤衰老速度。此外,其高含量的黄酮类物质具有极强的抗氧化效果,可以清除体内自由基,延缓机体衰老。

4. **抗菌消炎**:白牡丹茶能有效杀菌消炎、抗病毒,其抗菌消炎效果比绿茶更强。


5. **保护眼睛**:白牡丹茶中含有的维生素A原可以预防夜盲症和干眼病,保护眼睛健康。

6. **维持血糖平衡**:茶中含有人体必需的活性酶,长期饮用可以提高人体内脂酶活性,分解血液中多余的糖分,有助于维持血糖平衡。

7. **美容养颜**:白牡丹茶含有的茶多酚、儿茶素等成分,能被人体皮肤吸收和利用,增加皮肤弹性,提高皮肤细胞的活性,从而达到美白养颜的效果。

8. **镇静降压**:白牡丹茶具有镇静降压的功效,适合高血压患者饮用。

9. **解毒利尿**:白牡丹茶能帮助身体解毒和利尿,对身体健康有益。

10. **防癌抗癌**:白牡丹茶中的儿茶素等成分具有抗癌作用,可以降低癌症的发病风险。


At this time, it seems to be resigned to see Yi coming in with a few women, and the flesh is moving a little without overreaction.

And automatically split a small piece of color. Huang Chengcheng meat seems to be a lot younger. This makes Yi people wonder if it can be refined if it is raised like this.
At dusk, there was a family dinner in the bedroom. The main course was naturally meat cheese. Wen Xiaoqi was ingenious and fried a small piece. It was crispy in appearance, fat and tender, and it was not greasy at all. It was particularly delicious for people to eat, so it was easy to drink a few more sherry red.
After the feast, some pranayama is easy to plump up all over the body, and there is some blood in his face. Plus, Wu Lingtong finally succeeded in refining, and his mood is good and his energy is particularly strong
Later, it was easy to get the blood scorpion from Wen Xiaoqin and deal with some backlog things in the house for a while. When it was dark that day, he walked around in Dai Yue and Qin Province to get to know the situation of one or more friends
Finally, after he returned to Tianlong Mansion from Shen Changming, he took off his clothes in the middle of the night. A few girls lingered all night and missed his own soft and reserved shyness, as well as ancient tea and unrestrained Ye Yao euphemism.
"It’s a real pain in my neck here. I don’t know what happened to Tinger and Sister Tong."
It’s easy to say to myself that the future environment of the hundred magic mountains seems to have changed again in a few months, and there is still a bit of dignity in the air.
There are people at the entrance of the mountain who guard Yi and can only come in with the pass token given by Situxuan.
As soon as I arrived outside Shayun Cave, I found that the old cave-protecting array has changed, which is more strange than before, and there are many mysterious powers floating around.
Before Yi Yi Li Chunrui came out on his own, his brow was cold and he saw Yi Cai ease some.
"What happened?" Easy to frown asked
"Eldest brother, please ask the master." Li Chunrui didn’t want to say it, so she pushed it to Gong Yuetong.
When it is easy to see Gong Yuetong, she is still so dignified and beautiful, but her power is three points heavier. Some gloomy decorations under her eyes are no longer palace dresses, but are replaced by a pure black cassock with excellent texture and unlike anything.
As soon as Yi came in, he sat in the chair without saying anything polite. When he saw the mountain sink, he said, "The whole Shayun Cave is like an enemy. Sister Tong can tell from your look that something is not good. Now you still want to hide it from me?"
Gong Yuetong’s beautiful eyes blinked two times and said apologetically, "My brother doesn’t blame my sister for her difficulties. These are all old grievances. Although my sister is a woman, she is not afraid of them. They have not got a good sneak attack and have failed several times. It is convenient for me to stick to the abode of fairies and immortals, but my brother should not worry about it."
When she finished, she got up with a three-point smile on her face. "My brother hasn’t eaten yet. Let my sister prepare a banquet and treat you well. What if the pavilion is taking a nap and I don’t know how excited you are when I know you’re here?"
"What kind of wine do you want to drink?" Yi said angrily. "Do you think my dog is meddling?"
After a pause, I added, "I sent my two cousins to monitor the outside of Baimo Mountain for several months without blinking an eye. I was afraid that something would happen to you. Later, I asked you several times and you were perfunctory. Now you still don’t tell me whether you treat me like a brother?"
"Brother, how do you talk? Don’t you know my heart when you get along for so long …"
Yi Wen got up a few steps and went to Gong Yuetong’s side. He grabbed her and pressed her left chest with anger and said, "Do you know what my heart is thinking? Have you forgotten that I spoke to you at the beginning? "
Gong Evening Tong heard that her eyes were a little dodgy, and her right hand struggled, but she didn’t take off some shyly. "Brother, you’re hurting my sister. Let go."
The fourth volume Dry Kun copulation Chapter four hundred and sixty Angry
Yi is not in the mood to pay attention to whether Gong Yuetong’s delicate skin hurts or not. She is holding her eyes tightly and looking at her with a heavy tone. "You haven’t answered my words yet."
"To answer your question, how can you afford a joke when your sister is so old? You’d better calm down the idea."
This is as straight as a pot of cold water splashing on his body. His eyes suddenly darkened and then he took off his right hand and shook the arm of a palace in the evening. "Are you kidding me?" Is it true that I have been getting along these years? In the last year, I have rarely come, but I have been busy with foreign affairs. The wind and rain in the past hindered me from accompanying you. Do you know that I have been struggling? Now a joke will send me away? "
Gong Yuetong’s look changed when he heard the news, and his beautiful eyes flashed a few times. "I don’t know what you said, men and women don’t give and take, and you don’t kiss and pull. Put your hand!"
Yi didn’t expect Gong Yuetong to change her tone when she said that she was so rude. She had a few skin kisses in the past, but after that, she blushed.
A pair of romantic concubines are only interested in that layer of window paper.
I don’t know what it’s like today, but it’s not the time to get angry.
Yi Songgong’s arm gritted its teeth and said, "Let’s talk about Shayundong for the time being. Which force is the other party?"
"I don’t care about my affairs, I have my own discretion."
"I don’t care who cares! Don’t watch others bully you! "
"The other party’s position is too overhauled, and everyone is doing things by hook or by crook. Nine times out of ten, you will lead this matter to a bad situation. Now I still have room for things to change, so don’t worry about the younger brother …"
Easy to wave interrupted, "to say is to look down on me. What can I do? The demon monk is not dead …"
Gong Yuetong also interrupted him to talk impatiently. "The demon monk is a demon monk. They are their roots. It’s two different things. Don’t mind your own business. Go while it’s not dark."
She paused and clenched her right hand again and again. "You mean I’m wrong, too. I’ll tell you now that it’s impossible for us to die before it’s too late … I’m sorry!" Directly to the marching orders.
"Bang!" Yi punched the white jade case and immediately fell apart and collapsed, and the fragments broke into several broken marks.
This move makes Gong Yuetong’s face white and easy to see again. His eyes are burning with fire and his face is blue. His body is trembling and almost condensed into essence. Shaqi rushed to his heart in a surprised and hurried to protect his body.
"I didn’t know today that a woman’s heart is at the bottom of the sea. Count me in … late … tong! See you later! "
It’s easy to say these words, one by one, jumping out of my teeth, taking a deep breath, waving my sleeves and turning around.
Gong Tongwen’s face suddenly turned pale when he heard the news, and he looked at it. It was easy to get out of the abode of fairies and immortals, and the royal sword went away, and he sank to the bottom of the valley, and there was no marginal hesitation, sadness and concern
At that time, Gong Yuetong was disheartened to the extreme, and tears left her cheeks and wet her skirt. In a short time, she gently sobbed.
"Easy elder brother easy elder brother somebody else know you’re here come out to meet the pavilion …"
A silly cry was pushed as soon as the door of the far and near room was half closed. The pavilion was wearing a ponytail, a small suit and trousers, and its face was wrinkled when it was sleeping.
Pavilion, beaming, suddenly disappeared after coming in, stunned and looked at Gong Yuetong, hiding his face and sobbing gently, and hurried past. "What’s wrong with the empress?" Why are you crying? Where’s Brother Yi? Where’s Brother Yi? "
Asking questions and going to Gongwan Tong didn’t answer, but hugged the pavilion tightly.
Pavilion’s little hand is busy wiping her tears, but the more she wipes her tears, the more she feels sad. When she sips, her little mouth starts to sob. She asks intermittently, "Did Niang … Brother Yi … bully you?"
"It’s not … blare … it’s Niang who makes you angry with your brother … blare … it’s all Niang’s fault and he won’t associate with us NianLia … blare …"
Gong wantong said more and more, and the more sad he felt, the more remorse he felt. If I had known, I shouldn’t have said it like that. I’m afraid it’s even difficult to meet later.
"Then what should I do … blare … it’s all your fault! It’s all your fault Brother Yi doesn’t want me, and I don’t live … "
Tinger’s little fist pounded Gong Yuetong’s shoulder, cried and cried, and finally gave birth to short-sightedness.
NianLia cried bitterly at the door, and a bunch of brothers outside couldn’t hear it.
Now Yi’s face was livid and he left with a suit of ShaQi. Li Chunrui and others didn’t wait to get close, so they made a chill and flew away without saying hello.
At this time, the daughters are really uneasy and fearful. They have been with the master for so many years and have not seen her cry.
Due to the fact that Gong Yuetong’s face and daughters are not good enough to come in to comfort Li Chunrui, who is a big teacher elder sister and Gong Yuetong’s deepest feelings, she walked into the room with a worried face and asked for advice.
Gong wantong didn’t want to let his younger brother see his weakness. He waved his hand and made a strong effort to close the door and adjust his mentality. He barely controlled the outflow. Tears were held in the pavilion and he didn’t want to go out.

Sure enough, Su Orange said with joy, "That’s good. Aunt will give you trouble tonight!"

Look! I knew this would happen! Zuo Tangtang slumped down on the sofa.
"Ha ha! No trouble! No trouble! " Zuo Mu smiled very long. "I’ll clean up the guest room for you now!" "
"Aunt! No! " Sue orange hurriedly waved her hand. "It’s not so much trouble for me to sleep well with Tangtang tonight!"
Nani? Zuo Tangtang stared at the side. What did this dead girl just say?
"Ah?" Left mother is also one leng and then react "too! You used to sleep together, and now you’ve grown up and haven’t seen each other for a long time. You can sleep in the same room tonight! "
"I’ll give you another bed and another pillow!" Finally, the left mother went to the master bedroom as she spoke.
"Thank you, Aunt!" Sue orange behind smile is very pregnant.
Sue orange hit another Zuo Tangtang with one elbow and said, "Left pig! Are you happy? I will live with you tonight! "
Zuo Tangtang took a look at Su Orange and said, "Happy! I am so happy! I’m glad I want to go back to my room now and stay well! "
Sue orange doesn’t care about this. She doesn’t know Zuo Tangtang’s pig career yet! It’s just playing games! Su Orange waved her hand and said generously, "Go back to your room ~ I’ll come back to you after reading this Spongebob!"
"That’s right!" Zuo Tangtang walked away with his head held high.
When Zuo Tangtang looked at the game, he was a little anxious. It’s nine o’clock now. You know, at 9: 30, the Royal Guards will wait for the sect in wartime, but if you want to fall into the battlefield, you won’t be able to practice in the sect!
On the first line, Zuo Tangtang rode his horse and rushed to Xiaoshulin. A few private chat messages in the game didn’t come. Fortunately, he caught the last bus of the martial arts before the war.
Wait until Yong ying Zuo Tangtang had a private chat.
The first one is that guy said he wanted her to talk.
When Zuo Tangtang saw this, he immediately despised it! This is at least a gang leader! Why do you want to eat and brag when you are doing nothing in a day? Didn’t you talk a lot last night! Alas, it seems that there is going to be a little chatter around me again.
Zuo Tangtang hurriedly wrote back and refused to say that he was going to participate in the sect war, so he ignored what a lot of sect wars were to talk about. Zuo Tangtang ordered the second message.
The second is that table tennis is urging Zuo Tangtang to join the league at the moment!
Zuo Tangtang looked at the sect channel. At the moment, elders are really calling in XXX, but is it too early to enter now? You know, there are several teams in each sect battle! Now you just can’t form a group! After all, I’m still in Yong ying!
Thought of here, Zuo Tangtang asked about table tennis in vain.
[Private chat] Pig’s trotters stew table tennis!
[Private chat] Did table tennis stumble? By the way, did you make the team? What? I didn’t see the sign.
[Private chat] Stewed pig’s trotters, er … I haven’t yet.
[Private chat] Table tennis, then hurry in!
[Private chat] Stewed pig’s trotters Er … No, wait, don’t worry, I just want to talk about what to do so early!
[private chat] isn’t there a team after the pig’s trotters are stewed? Just set it up again then!
[Private chat] You don’t know table tennis! Today, a group is seaweed soup with little salt! We followed him before, so you should join this group early and have a better chance of killing. Didn’t you say you wanted to have fun?
[Private chat] Pig’s trotters are stewed like this! Okay, I see.
[Private chat] Stewed pig’s trotters. I’ll immediately form a team and drop by.
[Private Chat] Table tennis Mm-hmm. I can’t contact you because it’s a wheat sequence mode. I’ll talk to you privately later, and then follow us to grab the head when we enter the battlefield.
[Private chat] Stewed pig’s trotters. Mm-hmm.
Zuo Tangtang looked at the screen, joined the team successfully, and climbed in.
[11] Chapter one hundred and three Out of control channel]
As soon as you enter, all kinds of chatter and noise will hit you. Zuo Tangtang hurriedly turned down the volume and switched the crooked panel again to check the situation.
"Oh, are we on the wrong channel? Should we inform the elder on the sect channel that the channel number is wrong?" This is a person who can judge and talk to himself without being influenced by the outside world.
"Wine wine! I didn’t expect to meet your silver peas here … "This is Jin Doudou who was discovered by an acquaintance and tried to talk.
"Who is the head of this thing has rules! I can’t blame others! " The magic magic spent a counterattack.
"At that time, I beat the elder with a little blood left. It was your ya who suddenly jumped out from the side and robbed me! How dare you say! " That man is extremely angry.
"Jin Doudou! What did you just say! I didn’t hear it! " That guy’s called wine. Wine is trying very hard.
"I said! ….. "The Jin Doudou also increased his volume.
"You can’t afford to play! Don’t come to play! A head loss you remember now! " The magic flower still refuses to give up this argument.
"Can you be smaller! Quiet and wait for the command to come! " This is the cry of a man who collapsed before Zuo Tangtang.
"I tell you …"
"He didn’t …"
"Uh-huh, that’s it …"
All kinds of conversations continue to look at each other, but no one really noticed or cared about the shouting just now.
Just when Zuo Tangtang couldn’t stand it anymore and was about to block the crooked sound, suddenly several white horses broke in.
One directly turned the volume up to the maximum and played music, while the other brushed the word "quiet" on the public screen.
Because this is a new channel, there is a certain time limit for speaking on the public screen.

"Because you have a devil hidden in your heart, I already know! Tell me that I will agree to join in this event? I believe you have ulterior motives. "Nami Xiaoruixin said.

"I may really have a devil hidden in my heart, but I’m not interested in everything in this world. I came from accident to accident to take away a leaf from this world," Kay said indifferently.
"I am still so interested in dying!" Nami small core eyes with blood red color demon light low track.
"I’m tired of this world event. Think it over." Kay said and pushed the chair and turned to leave, but then Kay found that the pub door was gone. There was a black virtual space opposite him. Kay gently stepped into that black virtual space, only to find that the virtual space could support his body just now. Black suddenly appeared behind Kay in the corner and turned into a huge devil.
"Dark Heaven Gate" Kay broke out at this emergency, and the demon turned into a black smoke in front of the great attraction of the dark heaven gate and was sucked into his body by Kay.
Nami Xiaoxin’s body slowly flashed out in front of Kay. "Kay, your life must end here. This is the end of your destiny. You can die. The king is waiting for me and take revenge on me, but at this time, you must leave by yourself and give the world a confession." Nami Xiaoxin demanded it word by word in an evil tone.
"good! Then let me die. What words do you need if you can do it? " Kay slow unruly tunnel
Nami Xiaoruixin slowly lifted its hand, which was a demon hand, like a sea animal, full of dark red blood of the dead …
Kay felt a powerful demon gas coming from all sides. Kay knew that she was in the demon world. Kay violently waved the staff of destruction to stroke the staff with both hands. A stroke of thunder struck Nami’s small core in this virtual dark world, but Kay was still surrounded by a black demon force …
"Don’t be afraid of death!" Nami small core to float in the middle of the Kay way
Kay felt that all her magic was blocked, and all her magic was extinguished. Kay screamed in her own voice, but this roar could not free Kay from this black demon force.
"The wolf screams at the holy moon!" Kay shouted out this with her own strength, but there was no magic. Kay couldn’t send out the recruit of howling wolf and holy moon, but Kay’s understanding of magic and the ability to stir up spells was still very strong. Nami Xiaoxin couldn’t help but be shaken back three steps. That has always been a demon, but now it appears as a beautiful girl. Nami Xiaoxin opened it at this moment, and the mouth of the red demon grew bigger and bigger, and finally it seemed to swallow the whole world.
Nami small core it chest sound demon that strange sound "come to my stomach! Come into my stomach! So there’s nothing to kill you. So there’s no one to kill you! You will be with God! "
"Which god are you that can seal my magic? Why don’t you come into my stomach so that you can be with me! " Kay said contemptuously
Although Kay smiles on the surface, he is physically and mentally impacting his magic power in the room. This feeling of being in another world is a bit familiar to Kay. Unfortunately, no matter what he thinks, he can figure out where he met this feeling!
Kay finally impulsing his magic before he was sucked in by Nami’s small core. He rushed out with a wolf howling and holy month. Unfortunately, at present, everything is dark in the world, just like this from ancient times to modern times.
Kay turned around in this devil’s world, only to find that the tavern behind him was gone at all. Kelly tried hard to think about it, but he couldn’t remember how he had won the magic of the other side and how he fell into this devil’s world
"Kay, what can’t you accept your death? Why can’t you accept your death? You should have this awareness. "The back of Nami Xiaoxin slowly appeared in a corner. It seems to have changed a scarlet dress. It seems to be fiddling with something with its head down.
Kay looked at this terrible creature and imagined that he had been with it for so long that he didn’t find it was a monster. He also imagined what the monster was doing at this time.
Kaiweiran said, "I think you are more conscious. Why don’t you die so that I can leave this devil’s world?"
"You can ask me! You can beg me! " Nami Xiaorui core still didn’t look back. It seemed to be poking something with a knife in its hand.
"I talk to others with my strength." Kay struck the past with a fanatical magic emperor’s dark death aurora. At this moment, Kay saw his eyes move, and Nami’s small core fluctuated, but he didn’t see what it did, but he escaped Kay’s extreme violence and speed.
At this time, Kiah felt that the monster had sealed his magic, and Kiah stepped on the ground and sang the sound of the howling wolf. This howling wolf seemed to be able to impress Nami’s small core magic to a certain extent, and Kiah felt that his magic was slowly active again.
Kay also dare not careless step by step a song kept looking at Nami small core that monster at this moment Nami small core is still a red half bay waist back to Kay also don’t know what it is poking at.
Kay’s magic swooped down on him, only to see a small core emitting Nami turn around. In it, she was holding a blood-covered Kay O Yunxi Haier …
119 fear Lord
Kay’s self-made body was carved with blood, and there was a sudden fear in her heart. But the more afraid Kay was at this moment, the more powerful the magic fire was. Kai flew the magic fire to Nami Xiaoxin …
Only to find myself banging my head against the table.
Kay looked around and found that a group of drinkers who were blowing and chatting were still there. It turned out that everything was just a dream.
Kiah looked across at Nami Xiaoruixin and found that Nami Xiaoruixin’s girl was holding her cheeks and dreaming her dreams. Kiah quickly looked at the bear and found that the bear was sleeping well.
Even the cold toad was sleeping. Kiah shook the toad for a while, only to find that he couldn’t wake it up. Kiah hugged Cerberus again. Little Andy shook the dog. The puppy was shaken and looked at Kiah blankly.
But the puppy reacted quickly. Like a horse, it knew what had happened. It ran over and kissed Nami, Toad and Bear, and the two pets woke up immediately. The toad woke up with a terrible dream and suddenly jumped into the middle of the room. When the bear woke up, he found a drink and Nami Xiaoxin slept lazily. At this time, it was particularly charming to see Kay staring at her, so he put one hand in front of Kay and criticized, "It was all bad for you for a while."
Andy, the little hellhound, found something and ran to a table, barking and biting. Kay went over and saw a bald man with meat wings and a devil’s dovetail sitting at that table.
"Who are you? What did you do just now? " Kiah looked at the humanity.
Nami Xiaoxin came to see Kay and the little white dog fiercely facing the man but didn’t know what had happened.
"I’m Zaka, the devil of fear, which means Zaka believes well. I just cast a spell on you and put you in a deep sleep. Unfortunately, this little hellhound can’t cast magic!" The devil Zaka is also honest. When Kay comes to ask, he tells the truth.
Nami Xiaoruixin said, "It’s no wonder that my father-in-law just dreamed of a big pomelo and accompanied me to play a lot of good things and ate a lot of delicious food." It seems that Nami Xiaoruixin is still immersed in the dream just now and has imposed magic on the devil Zaka, but he doesn’t care.
Kay is different about good or bad. If someone does something to him, Kay will be furious and can’t accept it. Kay is lurking there.
"I am Zaka, the undead demon king. I need to know why you sent that letter to Amodor. I believe your dreams are more real," Zaka said.
"Come out," Kay simple indifference tunnel
The demon king Zaka got up and went outside with Kay. Zaka’s necromancer skin combined with his baldness gave people a dirty and terrible feeling.
As soon as Kay walked out of the tavern, she struck the demon king Zaka with a punch and magic. Zaka was half kneeling on the ground by this punch and picked up by the demon king. The demon king penetrated into a magic fire. A thunderbolt struck Zaka to the ground. At this time, the demon king was afraid of being blue and the demon fire was burning wildly, but the earth appeared as a thunderbolt, lux and infernal thunder.
Little Andy the Cerberus cried proudly when he saw that Kay was so handsome.
The dread demon king Kazak vomited one mouthful black blood and wanted to get up. Kay suddenly tossed her head and two purple auroras swept away from the demon king. In the past, the demon king Kazak was beaten to the ground again.
Kay single-handedly picked up the fear Lord crazy way "why don’t you fight back? Why not fight back? "
"I shouldn’t have cast magic on you, but I won’t choose the undead." Fear magic said indifferently.
Kay held the demon king with black thunder power and said, "No race can impose its own needs on others."
"As you say, but in this battle for thousands of years, no one has a choice," the fear Lord insisted
"wow! Ah …! " Kay was madly blown out by the central thing of reality, that is, "the dark thunder and the dragon burst". Kay and the fear Lord were both caught in the strangulation of powerful thunder and tornado …
After the gale, Kiah threw the Fear Lord out with a wave of his hands.
The demon king lay on the ground and spit out a mouthful of black blood hard to slowly in Amb Lee.
"Don’t you fight back?" Kay nu way
"You can kill me because I have to hide your information according to your wishes," the Fear Lord insisted.
"Ha, ha, ha ….." Kay laughed wildly. "Yes, the undead really have personality. The information is very important to you, but it is worthless to me. You know that Nami and I are both koos, but they are free." Kay looked relaxed there like the fear Lord did a very gratifying thing.
"But I also know that you Kay Yunxi Haier can’t stand others to get their hands on your life. It’s not too much for you to kill me," said the Lord of Fear.

Qi Yufeng entranced by surprise, wondering how the vortex of Erbo could be so strong? If you keep absorbing yourself, you will be exhausted in less than half an hour. Where can there be life?

But at this time, Erbo’s life and death are uncertain, but he can’t stop at will. Is that so good?
He felt that the abdomen was rushing to the heat, and he wanted to hold his breath and force it back to the abdomen to release slowly, but the eleventh Zi Xia alkaloids had contributed, and so on. Was it that he could get it at the moment?
Immediately, he couldn’t help but feel bitter and bitter. This force of meridians, such as rivers, is not flooding at ordinary times. However, if the river is widened and several gates are opened, its wanton surge will not be borne by himself.
Next to JiReFeng, JiReCheng, Julia, three people came to listen to Qu Fei’s smoke novel, JiReBin’s governor’s second pulse has been connected, and their hearts were full of joy, but after a while, they still wouldn’t let go. JiReBin’s face was red for a while, and purple gas filled his forehead for a while, just like a steamer. In a cold night, there was an endless stream of white gas, and they couldn’t help wondering.
Just then, Julia suddenly heard Qu Feiyan crying gently, feeling very surprised and asked back, "Why are you crying?"
Qu Feiyan smiled mournfully "I didn’t cry"
Julia said urgently, "What’s more dangerous? Tell the second aunt quickly."
Qu Feiyan shook his head and looked at Qi Yufeng’s temple slightly sunken and dull. "If he dies like this, I won’t live."
Julia looked at her and looked at Qi Yufeng. Her eyes felt that she had a pair of beautiful eyes that made her lingering and loving. She couldn’t help but say, "This girl is young and sincere about Xiaofeng."
But when I saw his sad face, it seemed that the two of them had great harm, and I immediately thought to myself that an old man could not delay the happiness of a generation of young couples.
Immediately, she summoned up the courage to look at the two people and said, "I’ll split them up when I squeeze them together."
Just as she climbed up from the ground to the front, she felt a lag in action. When she looked back, she saw Qu Fei’s cigarette on her back and immediately taught her not to contribute.
QuFei smoke face sour shook his head. "No, I’m afraid no one can share them."
Qi Yufeng’s several attempts to gather strength are bubbling out, but the feeling is urgent. It seems that he will rush out of hundreds of pores, but there is no conflict everywhere. Only when he meets Jirebin is he absorbed in the past.
The two of them froze and didn’t leave. Qi Yufeng gradually felt that the other side was warm and he was getting colder and colder. His heart was not shocked. His own strength was strong, but his own fooling around and adding a little strange gas led to such an embarrassing situation.
Next to JiReFeng, JiReCheng listened to QuFei smoke words turned pale and trembled slightly, but once touched, both of them were immediately excited by a Machamp and turned a somersault outward. They both tried once to add QuFei smoke to stop them, so they couldn’t be in front of the side.
Qi Ruobin’s white head is getting thicker and thicker and slower, and gradually turns into a noble purple gas, which is like a cloud of smoke in the street lamp.
Qi Yufeng, on the other hand, is getting colder and colder, and the abdomen is gradually drying up. "Is it impossible for the two men to die together today?"
Just then, he suddenly felt a shock in his heart. Jirebin slowly opened his eyes and "wow" spit out black blood. Qi Yufeng suddenly felt a burst of hot body numbness in the abdomen. He felt that he had never been tired and tired, and the meridians stung.
It turns out that Jirebin’s body governor’s second pulse has already got through and you’re done. You can give birth to a protector on your own, which can counter the foreign qi and rush back to Qi Yufeng’s whole body. At this time, he won’t feel this trick when he swings around.
JiRebin’s eyes were full of doubts. When he saw Qi Yufeng, he asked, "Xiao Feng, you …"
Not yet finished, it’s "wow" again. One mouthful of black blood is full of foul smell.
Qi Yufeng saw the black blood sprayed on his body without anger and smiled. "Congratulations, Erbo, from now on, you are the highest associate professor of martial arts …" I felt dizzy with my eyes closed lazily before I finished saying a word.
People around here gathered around Qi Ruofeng and asked, "What about Xiaofeng?"
Qu Fei smoke caught his wrist vein and carefully identified a nod of joy. "He’s fine, but he fainted from excessive force."
Qi Ruobin’s face was puzzled and asked, "How did you …?"
JiReCheng took him up and helped him sweep the dirt. "Go back and talk about it."
A group of people bought two cars and then returned to their homes.
JiReFeng impatient body vibration soon Qi Yufeng woke up and slowly opened his eyes and said, "Ah … I want to drink water …"
Qu Feiyan laughed. "Don’t pretend. You’re already awake."
Qi Yufeng bitter way "wake up is awake but still thirsty".
While JiRebin felt slightly hurt, but almost itchy, his body seemed to be like strips of mercury circulating everywhere, more comfortable than I can say, energetic and radiant.
Immediately, as soon as he raised his hand, he would take out mineral water from the car. But when he moved his mind, he found himself "stunned" as soon as he broke the co-pilot drawer.
His eyes froze for a long time, and he was about to turn around when he heard Qi Yufeng shout, "Take it easy, don’t crush the seat!"
Qi Ruobin turned back carefully and asked softly, "What is this? Am I … irradiated by gamma rays?"
While Qi Ruofeng laughed, "You are so knowledgeable that you worship foreigners. It’s Xiao Feng who gave you the credit. Can’t you feel it?"
JiRebin wondered, "It’s unscientific to work and supervise the second pulse …"
A line of people say a few words and then turned to Qi Yufeng’s door.
When I got outside Jiruofeng’s headlights, I found a middle-aged woman standing proudly with a sword in her hand. It was none other than Chen Shuai.